5.7 How to treat elders, friends, and young
子曰、老者安之、朋友信之、 少者懷之。
The Master said, ‘They are, in regard to the aged, to give them rest; in regard to friends, to show them sincerity; in regard to the young, to treat them tenderly.’
1.3 Life and general conducts
The Master said, ‘A youth, when at home, should be filial, and, abroad, respectful to his elders. He should be earnest and truthful. He should overflow in love to all, and cultivate the friendship of the good. When he has time and opportunity, after the performance of these things, he should employ them in studies.’
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In the context of personal cultivation towards social harmony, Confucius suggested proper conducts towards others. What is proper? Confucius described it vertically and radially: Vertically, we take care of people older and younger than we are, and radially we take care of ourselves and expand it to others. Through being kind and loving (to ourselves and others), we strengthen the positive which uplift ourselves and the collective world. Such is the fundamental reason for suggesting these social guidelines.
5.7 子曰、老者安之、朋友信之、 少者懷之。
1.3 子曰、弟子、入則孝、出則弟、謹而信、凡愛眾、而親仁、行有餘力、則以學文。
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在个人修养以达致社会和谐的主题下,孔子提出了以上各种对他人的适当行为。什么是适当? 孔子纵向和径向的描述,在纵向的方向上,我们需要照顾比我们年长的人,以至比我们年轻的人。 在径向的方向上, 我们从照顾好自己开始,然后逐渐扩大至周边的人。透过仁和爱(对自己和别人),我们巩固了正面的能量,提升了自己以至整个世界。 这就是孔子提倡这些社会准则的根本原因。
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