We finished our discussion on Confucius Analects last week. So far we have gone through the core teachings from Laozi’s Daodejing, and Confucius Analect. Starting next week, we will start our discussion on one of the core text in Buddhism – Diamond Sutra. Here is an overview of the text:
If reality is beyond the mind, how do we subdue it and where to abide afterwards? A Bodhisattva do so without attaching to self, personality, being, life, nor will a Bodhisattva attach to any descriptions, names, powers, missions, and states. For a Bodhisattva is a state, not something that can be attained by some “one”, the term “Bodhisattva” is only a name/description for such state. Therefore any “one” claiming its “self” as a Bodhisattva is not a real Bodhisattva. This Sutra, therefore, sweep away all false claims of enlightened states yet confirmed their realities. This sutra presents advance teachings that outline the intricacies of the pathway of a Bodhisattva.上周我们完成了我们对孔子论语的讨论。到目前为止,我们讨论了老子“道德经”和孔子论语的主要思想。下周开始,我们将开始我们对佛家的讨论,我们会从金刚经开始。以下是金刚经的概述:
如果真理是心之外,那我们该如何调伏这心? 菩萨在不执着我,人,寿者,和众生相下调伏其心。 菩萨也不会执着于任何名称,权力,任务,和境界。 因为菩萨是一种状态,不是任何“个人”可以达到的一个境界,“菩萨”仅仅是一个名称去描述这个种状态而已。 因此,任何“个人”自称是菩萨,就不是真正的菩萨。 此经肯定所有的境界,但扫掉所有执着的可能。 此经深远的教导,勾勒出菩萨道的修行方向。
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