Diamond Sutra – Are we living beings? Are we not? – 金刚经 – 彼非众生,非不众生

After learning the highly profound yet seemingly paradoxical teachings from the Buddha, Subhuti couldn’t help but ask the Buddha, based on our limited wisdom, can we as living beings develop faith to accept and follow these teachings?

The Buddha, possessing the perfect 5 eyes which penetrate all truths, see that there is the potential of falling into the attachment of the notion of ” living beings”, responded to Subhuti: in reality, there is no such thing as living beings and non living beings.  They are merely called as such.

Do you understand why the Buddha said so?  Aren’t we living beings? or…  are we not?

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Then the wise Subhuti said to the Buddha: “World Honoured One, will there be in future ages living beings who will believe this Dharma when they hear it?”

The Buddha said: “Subhuti, the living beings (you just mentioned) are neither living nor not living beings. Why?
Because, Subhuti, the Tathagata says these living beings are not (really), but they are (expediently), called living beings.”从佛陀那里学习了这看似矛盾但极其高深的教导后,须菩提忍不住问佛,根据众生有限的智慧,众生能在听到这佛法后发出信心,接受并遵循这些教导吗?



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