Dear readers,
After 26 months of discussion and exploration, we have finally completed our online discussion on the core teachings of the three great classics in Chinese Civilization.
With the focus on personal and spiritual cultivation, we first learnt about the transcendental reality and the way towards it from Laozi’s Daodejing. After understanding our self, and going beyond it, we then learnt the importance of fulfilling our personal, family and social responsibility in the world through practical advises from Confucius’s Analects. Finally, after mastering the world and the reality beyond it, we learnt from the Buddhist Diamond Sutra that all teachings and phenomena, no matter how extraordinary and spectacular, are temporary like dreams and bubble and therefore are not to be attached.
If we can gain a throughout understanding of these three classics, and integrate them into our daily life, then a solid foundation is laid on the roadway of personal and spiritual cultivation. Hopefully these discussions could serve as an opening door and overall guidance for further studies and practice.
This concludes this series of our online classes. As Laozi said, “excessive speeches exhaust our reason, it’s better to stay centered.” The foundation understanding of cultivation has been laid and it is time for practice and integration into our life. If you have further question on the topics mentioned, you may contact me for advice or further discussion. Thank you for your interest and support all along.
Best wishes to you in your life, studies, and practices.
Li Siming
March 2014亲爱的读者,
从个人发展和心灵修炼的角度去看,我们首先从老子《道德经》里认识了”道“本质,和走向它的道路。在了解了自我和如何超越它之后,我们在孔子的《论语》中了解到,履行我们家庭和社会责任的重要性, 和实用的处世态度。 最后,在掌握了世界和超越它之后,我们从佛陀的《金刚经》中认识到,所有的教义和现象,无论多么的不平凡或壮丽,最终都是梦幻泡影,而要放下执着。
借老子的话 “多言数穷,不如守中。” 这就是这阶段在线课程的最后一节课。 在修行的路上,见地上需要留意的我们大概都已经讨论过了,是时候去实验和实修, 把理论应用于日常生活之中。 如果您在修行上有进一步的问题,可与我联系。 谢谢您一直以来的关注和支持。
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