Category: Confucianism
這世界到底有沒有鬼神? 傳統中華文化是肯定的,雖然不會建議你胡亂來。 實質上,心物一元,心誠則靈。一般人沒有定力和覺力,所以覺知不到而已。 外國有沒有? 當然也有,不過習俗信仰不同,所以出現時間和形式不同。 同人生有什麼關係? 太上感應篇云:禍福無門,惟人自召;善惡之報,如影隨形。 召善神抑或惡神,善鬼抑或惡鬼,就要看我們的身口意行為了。 其實,每一刻都是七月,每一刻都是新年。
Infant fills oneself, gown up nurtures the world – 窮則獨善其身,達則兼善天下
Mencius said, when you are strained, take care of your self ; when you attain great height and has spare capacity, help nurture the world. 孟子云: 窮則獨善其身,達則兼善天下 孔子云: 行有餘力,則以學文
3 levels of tranquility
小靜於林, 大靜於市,大大靜於正行(及正不行)。 External tranquility found in nature, inner tranquility cultivated in city, ultimate tranquility realised in wise action (& inaction).
Jade stays raw without polish – 玉不琢,不成器
玉不琢,不成器。 人不學,不知義。苦難磨練人,智慧提升人。 Jade stays raw without polish, man remains ignorant without learning. Sufferings refine us, wisdom uplifts us.
Buddhist heart, Taoist bones, Confucius persona – 佛為心、道為骨、儒為表
佛為心、道為骨、儒為表,大度看世界;技在手、能在身、思在腦,從容過生活。 – 南懷瑾老師 (1918-2012) Buddhist heart, Taoist bones, Confucius persona, compassionately perceive the world; Skills on hands, abilities in body, thinking via the brain, serenely live life. – Master Nan-Huai-Chin (1918-2012)
Online Class – foundation course completed – 网上课程 – 基础课程完成
Dear readers, After 26 months of discussion and exploration, we have finally completed our online discussion on the core teachings of the three great classics in Chinese Civilization. With the focus on personal and spiritual cultivation, we first learnt about the transcendental reality and the way towards it from Laozi’s Daodejing. After understanding our…
Derek’s Approach – update – 教学方案 – 更新
No self is the Dao, no self and no “no self”; Proper awareness is the Buddha, and there is no such thing as proper awareness; Charity is the Superior Man, who proceeds in middle of Confucianism Daoism and Buddhism. 无我就是道,无我无无我; 正觉就是佛,正觉非正觉; 布施是君子,儒佛道中行。无我就是道,无我无无我; 正觉就是佛,正觉非正觉; 布施是君子,儒佛道中行。
Confucius Analects – Men’s nature are alike – 孔子论语 – 性相近,习相远
Are we alike? Are we different? Despite of our racial, cultural differences, we are all human. Confucius said the same. He said that we are all alike at the source, yet our habits, believes and choices make us apart. 17.1 Men’s nature are alike 子曰、性相近也、習相遠也。 The Master said, ‘By nature, men are nearly alike; by…
Confucius Analects – Virtue attracts alike – 孔子论语 – 德不孤,必有邻
There is a Chinese saying: giving is more blessed than receiving (施比受更有福). Is it true? Confucius reported so. 4.6 Virtue attracts alike 子曰、德不孤、必有鄰。 The Master said, ‘Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practises it will have neighbors.’ * * * I would like to share a personal story of charity here. One…
Confucius Analects – Surviving the Changing World – 孔子论语 – 隐士的文化
We live in a turbulent world. External events come and go, internal reactions rise and fall. While we could have a fairly stable way to, or expectation on how to live our lives, often time the reality falls short of our expectations. How did Confucius survived this changing world? * * * 8.4 Selecting place…
Confucius Analects – Confucius teaches all – 孔子论语 – 有教无类
15.14 Teach all 子曰、有教、無類。 The Master said, ‘In teaching there should be no distinction of classes.’ * * * Confucius teaches all, Laozi transcends all, Buddha liberates all, Jesus loves all. Can you not see where they all coming from and converging back to? 15.14 有教、無類 子曰、有教、無類。 * * * 孔子教导所有,老子超越所有,佛释放所有耶稣爱所有,难道你看不出,他们都来自于和最终融合于哪?
Confucius Analects – Rush and you won’t arrive – 孔子论语 – 欲速则不达,见小利则大事不成
13.2 Do things thoroughly, avoid the temptation of seeking quick and minute advantages 子夏為莒父宰、問政。子曰、無欲速、無見小利。欲速則不達、 見小利則大事不成。 Zixia, being governor of Chu-fu, asked about government. The Master said, ‘Do not be desirous to have things done quickly; do not look at small advantages. Desire to have things done quickly prevents their being done thoroughly. Looking at small…
Confucius Analects – Leadership by example – 孔子论语 – 以身作则的领导
13.1 Quality of leaders affect quality of leadership 子曰、其身正、不令而行、其身不正、雖令不從。 The Master said, ‘When a prince’s personal conduct is correct, his government is effective without the issuing of orders. If his personal conduct is not correct, he may issue orders, but they will not be followed.’ * * * There is a Chinese saying “When the…
Confucius Analects – Fulfill your roles – 孔子论语 – 做好本份
12.5 How to govern 2 齊景公問政於孔子。 孔子對曰、君君、臣臣、 父父、子子。 The Duke Jing [Ching], of Qi {Chi], asked Confucius about government. Confucius replied, ‘There is government, when the prince is prince, and the minister is minister; when the father is father, and the son is son.’ 8.5 Mind your own business 子曰、不在其位、不謀其政。 The Master said, ‘He who…
Confucius Analects – Side tracks – 孔子论语 – 小道
19.1 Superior man avoids side tracks 子夏曰、雖小道、必有 可觀者焉、致遠恐泥、是以君子不為也。 Zixia said, ‘Even in inferior studies and employments there is something worth being looked at; but if it be attempted to carrythem out to what is remote, there is a danger of running into mud. Therefore, the superior man does not practise them.’ * * * What…
Confucius Analects – Hearsay Information – 孔子论语 – 道听涂说
17.4 Exercise caution against hearsay information 子曰、道聽而塗說、德之棄也。 The Master said, ‘To tell, as we go along, what we have heard on the way, is to cast away our virtue.’ * * * When we hear about something that we do not directly experience, and spread the information without verifying the validity of it, we are…
Confucius Analects – balance learning of 6 virtues – 孔子论语 – 平衡的学习
17.3 Importance in learning the 6 virtues (benevolence, wisdom, sincerity, straightforwardness, courage, firmness) 好仁不好學、其蔽也愚、好智不好學、其蔽也蕩、好信不好學、其蔽也賊、好直不好學、其蔽也絞、好勇不好學、其蔽也亂、好 剛不好學、其蔽也狂。 ‘There is the love of being benevolent without the love of learning;– the beclouding here leads to a foolish simplicity. There is the love of knowing without the love of learning;– the beclouding here leads to dissipation of mind. There…
Confucius Analects – Cautions in 3 Stages of Life, facing desire – 孔子论语 – 人生三阶段留意事项,面对欲望
16.3 Three caution in three stages in life 孔子曰、君子有三戒、少之時、血氣未定、戒之 在色、及其壯也、血氣方剛、戒之在鬥、及其老也、血氣既衰、戒之在得。 Confucius said, ‘There are three things which the superior man guards against. In youth, when the physical powers are not yet settled, he guards against lust. When he is strong and the physical powers are full of vigor, he guards against quarrelsomeness. When he is…
Confucius Analects – Different Types of Enjoyment – 孔子論語 – 不同種類的快樂
16.2 On enjoyment 孔子曰、益者三樂、損者三樂、樂節禮樂、 樂道人之善、樂多賢友、益矣。樂驕樂、樂佚遊、樂宴樂、損矣。 Confucius said, ‘There are three things men find enjoyment in which are advantageous, and three things they find enjoyment in which are injurious. To find enjoyment in the discriminating study of ceremonies and music; to find enjoyment in speaking of the goodness of others; to find enjoyment in having many…
Confucius Analects – Choosing Friends – 孔子论语 – 擇友
16.1 On friendships 孔子曰、益者三友、損者三友、友直、友諒、友多聞、益矣、友 便辟、友善柔、友便佞、損矣。 Confucius said, ‘There are three friendships which are advantageous, and three which are injurious. Friendship with the upright; friendship with the sincere; and friendship with the man of much observation:– these are advantageous. Friendship with the man of specious airs; friendship with the insinuatingly soft; and friendship with the glib-tongued:–…