Category: Spiritual Cultivation
Introduction to Meditation – Online Workshop
Final call to Jun5 free Introduction to Meditation online workshop! Draft deck below for preview and question preparation. Expecting a group of around 20 people, from a diverse background and countries: teachers, doctors, planners, bus drivers, artists, civil servants, engineers, consultants, managers, from 6+ countries! All are welcome. Section primarily in English with Chinese supplement,…
Buddha’s Birthday Special Workshop: 佛誕特別講座
Tao Chat 論道 – free Zoom online session (Bilingual) by Derek – Content: – Meditation, Philosophy, Spirituality, & Daily Life – Free form Q&A Sunday May8 – 9-10am Hong Kong Time All are welcome PM Derek to register
Online Qigong Workshop
Conducted a very successful Qigong workshop at a multinational financial corporation today, quite some positive feedbacks from the group, despite of the less direct transmission through zoom.
How to be a happy person – 如何能成一個快樂的人
[:en]弟子問達摩:如何才能成為一個自己快樂,也給別人快樂的人? Student asked Bodhidarmma, how to be a happy person for oneself and others? 達摩笑著回答說:有四種境界,你去體會其中的妙趣吧! Bodhidarmma said, there are four stages, contemplate the wonder! 一、首先,把自己當成別人,此是無我。 First, treat yourself as others, this is selfless. 二、再之,把別人當成自己,此是慈悲。 Second, treat others as yourself, this is compassion. 三、而後,把別人當成別人,此是智慧。 Third, treat others as they are, this is wisdom. 四、最後,把自己當成自己,此是自在。 Finally, treat…
Zen Reality and Practice – 不著不舍
實際理地不著一塵,萬行門中不捨一法。 – 禪宗祖師 Ultimate reality is not bounded by any manifestation, yet actual practice embraces all of them. – Zen Master實際理地不著一塵,萬行門中不捨一法。 – 禪宗祖師
Action without awareness is child, action with awareness is adult – 有尋無伺是孩兒, 有尋有伺成年人
action without awareness is child, action with awareness is adult stillness with awareness is deep sleep/meditation, stillness without awareness is samadhi Where is Dao? …shh…… Zen! 有尋無伺是孩兒, 有尋有伺成年人; 無尋有伺深睡思, 無尋無伺無想天; 道在當中那一個? …噓…… 禪!有尋無伺是孩兒, 有尋有伺成年人; 無尋有伺深睡思, 無尋無伺無想天; 道在當中那一個? …噓…… 禪!
Broad minds see goodness. – 心寬之人, 常記人善
Broad minds see goodness, narrow minds see badness. If don’t acknowledge goodness, one would not feel gratitude, if frequently remember badness, one would not feel serenity. 心寬之人, 常記人善; 心窄之人, 常記人惡; 記不住人善的人, 難有感恩之心; 常記人惡的人, 難有祥和之時.心寬之人, 常記人善; 心窄之人, 常記人惡; 記不住人善的人, 難有感恩之心; 常記人惡的人, 難有祥和之時.
Jade stays raw without polish – 玉不琢,不成器
玉不琢,不成器。 人不學,不知義。苦難磨練人,智慧提升人。 Jade stays raw without polish, man remains ignorant without learning. Sufferings refine us, wisdom uplifts us.
Buddhist heart, Taoist bones, Confucius persona – 佛為心、道為骨、儒為表
佛為心、道為骨、儒為表,大度看世界;技在手、能在身、思在腦,從容過生活。 – 南懷瑾老師 (1918-2012) Buddhist heart, Taoist bones, Confucius persona, compassionately perceive the world; Skills on hands, abilities in body, thinking via the brain, serenely live life. – Master Nan-Huai-Chin (1918-2012)
The way to longevity – 養生之道
The way to longevity is to cultivate the spirit; the key in cultivating the spirit is to cultivate virtue. If virtue is absence, longevity cannot be achieved no matter what medicine you take. – Tang Dynasty Medical master Sun Si Miao. 養生之道, 重在養神; 養神之要, 重在養德. 德行不全, 縱服玉液金丹, 未能廷壽. – 唐代名醫孫思邈養生之道, 重在養神; 養神之要, 重在養德. 德行不全, 縱服玉液金丹,…
Online Class – foundation course completed – 网上课程 – 基础课程完成
Dear readers, After 26 months of discussion and exploration, we have finally completed our online discussion on the core teachings of the three great classics in Chinese Civilization. With the focus on personal and spiritual cultivation, we first learnt about the transcendental reality and the way towards it from Laozi’s Daodejing. After understanding our…
Diamond Sutra – perceive, see, believe, understand as such – 金刚经 – 如是知,如是见,如是信解,不生法相
When the Buddha about to conclude this sutra, he tested his student Subuti and asked: “when someone talk of the notions of self, others, living beings, and immortality, does s/he understand what i teach?” Subhuti answered: “no, because these notions too, are merely names and mental conceptualization, are not to be attached, and not to…
Diamond Sutra – the limitless universe – 金刚经 – 一合相
In advanced meditative state, one sees the limitless universe. Is this real? Is it the end? Some arrives there and claim it is so. The Buddha says in this chapter: despite of its magnificence and splendor, it is not the ultimate, as when we attach ourselves with it, we becomes and limits to it. Therefore…
Diamond Sutra – understanding can be sudden, which sweeps away all mental blockages, practice is not sudden, which get perfected in stages – 金刚经 – 理即顿悟,乘悟并消;事非顿除,因次第尽
After expounding that real Buddha is beyond image and sound, the all compassionate Buddha reminds us that real Buddha does not mean no image and no sound either, and that we should not satisfy with just the proper understanding of truth and should diligently practice it in our life. Why did the Buddha say so?…
Diamond Sutra – Buddha is beyond image and sound – 金刚经 – 若以色见我,以音声求我,是人行邪道,不能见如来
Further to our earlier discussion “Buddha beyond form and appearance” and “Buddha beyond form and no-form“, in this chapter the Buddha reiterates, real Buddha is beyond appearance and sound. If one “sees” or “hears” the Buddha, one has probably been side-tracked. Next time you see or hear something resembling something like the Buddha,…
Diamond Sutra – the Buddha did not save any living being – 金刚经 – 实无有众生如来度者
Further to his earlier teaching “are we living beings, are we not“, the Buddha reminds Subhuti again in this chapter, “don’t think that I have liberated any being, for if you think so, i will be fallen into the limitation of a self, others, beings, and immortals“. As devoted students of healing and enlightenment, don’t…
Diamond Sutra – Way to Enlightenment – 金刚经 – 成佛之路
The highest truth and the way to it is revealed in this chapter. If we adopt an open mind and examine carefully what being said, we can see that what the Buddha suggests here – cultivate selflessly all good virtues – is no different from the core message of the founders of all other world’s…
Diamond Sutra – there is really no Dharma to gain – 金刚经 – 得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提,为无所得
In a typical learning process, we receive some information, digest it intellectually or follow it experimentally, then it become part of us as an integrated part of our life. Very often, we consider it a gain after we learn something. However, in this sutra, after telling us that there is really no Dharma to teach, and…
Derek’s Approach – update – 教学方案 – 更新
No self is the Dao, no self and no “no self”; Proper awareness is the Buddha, and there is no such thing as proper awareness; Charity is the Superior Man, who proceeds in middle of Confucianism Daoism and Buddhism. 无我就是道,无我无无我; 正觉就是佛,正觉非正觉; 布施是君子,儒佛道中行。无我就是道,无我无无我; 正觉就是佛,正觉非正觉; 布施是君子,儒佛道中行。
Diamond Sutra – How to Pray – 金剛經 – 如是祈祷
So far, we have learnt the importance of setting our spiritual intention beyond form, and we also learnt the importance of not following the notions of a self, others, beings, and immortality in our practice. One may ask, without the notion of the self, how can we set our spiritual intention? Careful examination of one’s self…