Tag: 福报
Diamond Sutra – Bodhisattvas do not receive reward for their merits – 金刚经 – 菩萨不受福德故
There is virtue in practicing charity, which follows the law of karma (law of attraction); Ordinary people claims the virtue as theirs, which reinforces and continues the “self” and its way of life; Bodhisattva dedicates the virtue for the well-being, fulfillment, growth, transcendence, and liberation of themselves and all beings. * * * 不受不贪分第二十八 NO GREED AND…
Diamond Sutra – All Buddhas and their Supreme-Enlightenment-Dharma originate from this Sutra – 金刚经 – 一切诸佛,及诸佛阿耨多罗三藐三菩提法,皆从此经出
“All Buddhas and their teachings originate from this Sutra” said the Buddha. The Sutra here, refers to not the printed Sutra, nor the spoken or written words, nor the teachings therein, but to the historical and on-going source of all the above. The Sutra here, refers to the realization that Mahakasyapa had when Buddha raised the Lotus…