Tag: 成佛
法身,為法界本體身,它周遍含容,無邊無量,離形融相,為萬物(包括人)之源頭,和其持續變化之動力與可能。 明心見性者,找到了這本體法身,體悟到這無常身心世界之背後,是這不生不滅,不一不二之永恆法身。故短暫身心衍生出來的對立顛倒與煩惱,不再顯得那麼緊迫和苦惱。肉體的無常變化,生滅往來,就像浩瀚花園裡的微細鳥蟲般渺小和虛幻。由小的個人身心悟到大的無量法身,故名法身大士。 覺悟法身大士後,還有後續功夫。先要做到自身之穩定(十住),再實行到生活點滴中(十行),繼之擴大心量至所有時空(十迴向)。到達個人層面的圓滿後,下一步是在出離心中協助其他眾生達到同樣的圓滿(十地)。直至到達無眾生可度之等覺妙覺位(離我人眾生壽者相),為成佛,涅槃,無上正等正覺。 真理水平999
Diamond Sutra – understanding can be sudden, which sweeps away all mental blockages, practice is not sudden, which get perfected in stages – 金刚经 – 理即顿悟,乘悟并消;事非顿除,因次第尽
After expounding that real Buddha is beyond image and sound, the all compassionate Buddha reminds us that real Buddha does not mean no image and no sound either, and that we should not satisfy with just the proper understanding of truth and should diligently practice it in our life. Why did the Buddha say so?…