Dao gives birth, De (virtue) nurtures, materials materialize, environment shapes.
-> The process of manifestion: 1) birth, 2) nurture, 3)form, 4)materiallze
Therefore things pay reverence to Dao and value De.
-> as they are the source and on-going reality of all things
The reason why Dao is reverenced, and Virtue is valued, is because they allow things to manifest and grow according to their own essence.
-> vs. we like to interfere and manipulate our creations with our agendas, bias, and attachments.
Therefore Dao gives birth, Virtue nurtures; grows it and raises it; matures it and ripens it; nurtures it and protects it.
-> Dao and De everlastingly give birth and nuture all things. Together represents and ongoing creation and evolution of all.
(Dao) gives birth but does not own, acts but does not claim credit, grows but does not kill, this is the great virtue.
-> As the ongoing source and totality of all, the Dao does not own or manipulate anything. Even life and death are seen as life in different forms (e.g. plants in different seasons). No dying or killing is therefore possible, such is Daoist look of the world.
* * *
Chapter 51 discussion:
We like owning things, claiming credits and manipulating things. When we do so, the self is engaged, and we align with the temporary and limited.
The Dao does not own things, does not claim credit, and do not manipulate things. When we follow it, the self is transcended, and we align with the everlasting and unlimited.
Bilingual version of Ch51: http://www.lisiming.net/ddj34-52/
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