Tag: self
Transcending the ego-mind
Life constructed by the ego-mind, is known, linear, logical, therefore is rigid, and limited. Life transcending the ego-mind, is nonlinear, lead by vision, integrated with wisdom, thus is flexible, and unlimited. #life#ego#logical#rigid#limited #life#vision#wisdom#flexible#unlimited
Diamond Sutra – Bodhisattvas do not receive reward for their merits – 金刚经 – 菩萨不受福德故
There is virtue in practicing charity, which follows the law of karma (law of attraction); Ordinary people claims the virtue as theirs, which reinforces and continues the “self” and its way of life; Bodhisattva dedicates the virtue for the well-being, fulfillment, growth, transcendence, and liberation of themselves and all beings. * * * 不受不贪分第二十八 NO GREED AND…
Diamond Sutra – How to Pray – 金剛經 – 如是祈祷
So far, we have learnt the importance of setting our spiritual intention beyond form, and we also learnt the importance of not following the notions of a self, others, beings, and immortality in our practice. One may ask, without the notion of the self, how can we set our spiritual intention? Careful examination of one’s self…
Diamond Sutra – 2 Stages of Surrender – 金刚经 – 两个阶段的放下
There are 2 levels of surrender: First level pertains to the transcendence of the “self”, second level require one to transcend the notion of there is a fixed “teaching”, to be followed towards the ultimate reality. The second level of transcendence, requires a solid work in the first level before it can mean anything. Otherwise,…
Diamond Sutra – self, others, beings, immortals – 金刚经 – 我相,人相,众生相,寿者相
In this Chapter, Buddha described the essential nature of Bodhisattva (enlightened beings that serves in this world): transcendence of the notion of: self, others, beings, and immortals. self: a separate sense of individual self others: what appears outside of one’s self beings: the collective living beings immortals: any part of life, form or no-form, that…
Confucius Analects – Observing a person – 孔子论语 – 君子不以言舉人
15.8 Superior man is impartial, does not judge people merely by their speech or reputation 子曰、君子不以言舉人、不以人廢言。 The Master said, ‘The superior man does not promote a man simply on account of his words, nor does he put aside good words because of the man.’ -> Don’t promote a man just because of what he/she says,…
Dao De Jing 51 – Dao as source of manifestation, reason for its great virtue
Dao gives birth, De (virtue) nurtures, materials materialize, environment shapes. -> The process of manifestion: 1) birth, 2) nurture, 3)form, 4)materiallze Therefore things pay reverence to Dao and value De. -> as they are the source and on-going reality of all things The reason why Dao is reverenced, and Virtue is valued, is because they…
Dao De Jing 43 – Soft conquer strong, benefits of non-form and non-doing
The softest of the world, conquer the world’s strongest. -> What is softest? Not water, not jelly, not cotton. Non-form is. Non-form penetrates into every space, therefore is the benefit of non-doing. -> Form, confined to a specific description, definition, space, and category, is limited. When life identifies beyond form, one is therefore unlimited. -> When someone…
Dao De Jing 40 – Dao moves in reverse direction
The Dao moves in reverse direction; and runs through those humble. -> Ordinary people invest their energy in their “self”, which claim credits from reality about what is happening. The process reverses when we surrender attachment to our selves, and align our live to the universal Dao. When this process starts, Dao starts to move…
Dao De Jing 35 – Dao and the world in perfect harmony
Abide in the Dao, the whole world follows. (The whole world) follows it without conflict, in perfect harmony. -> Abide in the source, one sees the whole world manifesting. Conflicts are self-based descriptions, when the self is transcended, there is no conflict. Music and fine food stop people. Dao when being spoken, is however tasteless.…
Dao De Jing 26 – Fallacy of lightness
Weight is the root of lightness, stillness is the ruler of recklessness. -> In the phenomenal world, weight anchors lightness. In the spiritual world, stillness (in and of the center) persists over recklessness. Therefore the Sage at all times stay centered at the weighted wagon. Although in luxury and glamour, (he) remain transcended and nonattached.…
Dao De Jing 14 – Formless and timeless nature of the Dao
Look but could not see, is called ‘Yi’; Listen but could not hear, is called ‘Xi’; Grasp but could not get, is called ‘Wei’. These three qualities alone could not provide an accurate description (of the Dao), therefore we blend them together as one. -> The Dao cannot be seen, cannot be heard, cannot be touched. Its upper part…
Dao De Jing 6 – Feminine Quality of the Dao
The valley-like spirit does not die, it is the mysterious femininity. -> Dao is like a vast valley that is everlasting, Laozi called it the mysterious femininity. Why feminine? In Chinese culture, e.g. Book of Changes, Femininity is associated with giving birth, allowing, and embracing all things, with earth being the most “Yin” and feminine…