Tag: sincerity
Integrity (誠信)
Translates as (誠信), has two components in Chinese interpretation: 1. (誠) refers to sincerity, which refers to 1) honesty, 2) sincerity, and 3) pure in intention: 1) Honesty (誠實) refers to truthfulness and consistency in body, speech, and mind. i.e. speech aligns with mind, action aligns with speech. When one maintains truthfulness and consistency across mind, speech, and…
Confucius Analects – Filial Piety – 孔子论语 – 论孝
Filial piety is one of the core virtues Confucianism advocates. It calls for kindness and respect towards our parents. Not only should one be filial towards one’s parents, one should be filial to all ancestors of the family and the race at large. Why? Vertically, we inherit the collective of what our ancestors have become;…
Confucius Analects – expectation of self (reflect daily) – 孔子论语 – 吾日三省吾身
1.2 Three things to reflect daily 曾子曰、吾日三省吾身、為人謀、而不忠乎、與朋友交、而不信乎、傳不習乎。 The philosopher Zeng [Tsang] said, ‘I daily examine myself on three points:– whether, in transacting business for others, I may have been not faithful;– whether, in intercourse with friends, I may have been not sincere;– whether I may have not mastered and practised the instructions of my teacher.’…