Tag: virtue
Diamond Sutra – Bodhisattvas do not receive reward for their merits – 金刚经 – 菩萨不受福德故
There is virtue in practicing charity, which follows the law of karma (law of attraction); Ordinary people claims the virtue as theirs, which reinforces and continues the “self” and its way of life; Bodhisattva dedicates the virtue for the well-being, fulfillment, growth, transcendence, and liberation of themselves and all beings. * * * 不受不贪分第二十八 NO GREED AND…
Confucius Analects – Virtue attracts alike – 孔子论语 – 德不孤,必有邻
There is a Chinese saying: giving is more blessed than receiving (施比受更有福). Is it true? Confucius reported so. 4.6 Virtue attracts alike 子曰、德不孤、必有鄰。 The Master said, ‘Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practises it will have neighbors.’ * * * I would like to share a personal story of charity here. One…
Dao De Jing 55 – Those rich in virtue are like baby
Those well established in Virtue, are like babies. Bees and snakes won’t bite, fierce animals won’t claw, and large birds won’t hunt. -> when the body and mind are purified into peace and non-self, negativity are melt into divine love and peace. (Their) bones and ligaments are soft but when they hold their fists are tight. They…
Dao De Jing 51 – Dao as source of manifestation, reason for its great virtue
Dao gives birth, De (virtue) nurtures, materials materialize, environment shapes. -> The process of manifestion: 1) birth, 2) nurture, 3)form, 4)materiallze Therefore things pay reverence to Dao and value De. -> as they are the source and on-going reality of all things The reason why Dao is reverenced, and Virtue is valued, is because they…
Dao De Jing 41 – Different man hear the Dao, descriptions of the Dao
Upper men hear the Dao, act on it diligently; -> what happen upon Dao realization? One becomes a vehicle of it and serve diligently. (see last post how Dao runs in those humble) Middle men hear the Dao, half believe in it; -> one needs more observation, evidence, experiment, experience, or realization. Lower men hear…
Dao De Jing 38 – High virtue does not necessarily appear virtuous
Dao De Jing Chapter 38 Discussion: Virtue What do you think when hear about the term virtue? kindness, lovingness, flower, incense, and music? Yes, but not limited to them. Laozi describes high virtue is like that of heaven and earth, that virtue supports all lives without anyone purposely acting, they just run according to the universal rhythm,…
Dao De Jing 8 – Dao is like water
The highest virtue is like that of water. Water benefits everything and does not fight, it positions itself at place everyone dislike, and therefore is close to the Dao. -> As we already discussed, the Dao is everywhere, impartial, and limitless. It represents the source and context of all, and therefore allows for and benefits all…
Confucius – Founder of Confucianism
Confucius Analects is a collection of dialogues between Confucius and his students. It is the core scripture of confucianism, which hugely affect the Chinese civilization for thousands of years and up to the present. In this core scripture, Confucius and his students discussed the importance of Virtue (Kindness, benevolence), Propriety (commonly accepted standards in society) in establishing one’s…