After learning that the Buddha possesses 5 eyes, which penetrate different levels of truth of this world, the Buddha explains how this penetration works. He explained, there are many worlds he sees, as numerous as the sands in the Ganges River, and there are many beings in each of these numerous worlds with different minds. Yet, all these different minds in different worlds are known to the Buddha. How could it be possible? Does it sound familiar with the notion of omni-science (all knowing) in some of other major religions in the world?
Not only did the Buddha described this from his subjective reality, he also explained that it (the penetration of truth) can be achieved when we transcend our mind, which habitually dwells on the concepts of the self, in the time frame of past or future, and on the concept or descriptions of the present (as suppose to the reality of the present). Therefore, the Buddha concluded: neither the past, the present nor the future mind can be found (can be used to find ultimate reality, or could be dwelled on as stable reality).
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“Subhuti, what do you think? Does the Tathagata say that the sand-grains in the Ganges are sand-grains?”
“Yes, World Honoured One, the Tathagata says they are sand-grains.”
“Subhuti, what do you think? If there were as many Ganges rivers as sand-grains in the Ganges, and if there were as many Buddha realms as sandgrains of all these Ganges rivers, would there be many world systems?”
“Many, World Honoured One!”
“The Buddha said the living beings in all these world systems have many different minds which are all known to the Tathagata. Why?”
“Because the minds the Tathagata speaks of are not minds, but are (expediently) called minds. And why?”
“Because, Subhuti, neither the past, the present nor the future mind can be found.”上一节讨论到佛陀有5眼,来穿透这个世界不同层次的的真理。在这节,佛陀继续解释这是如何发生的。 佛说,他看到很多的世界,就如印度恒河里的沙那么多,而这么多的世界里同时有着无数的众生并各有着的不同思想。然而,所有世界里的众生的思想佛都能了了分明,一一知晓。 听起来是不是很像世界其他主流宗教所讲的的全知和全能的概念? 这怎么可能?
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