10.2 Confucius eating habits
食饐而餲、魚餒而肉敗、 不食、色惡不食、臭惡不食、失飪不食、不時不食。不多食。
He did not eat rice which had been injured by heat or damp and turned sour, nor fish or flesh which was gone. He did not eat what was discoloured, or what was of a bad flavour, nor anything which was ill-cooked, or was not in season. He did not over eat.
10.3 Confucius eating and sleeping
When eating, he did not converse. When in bed, he did not speak.
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Besides moral standards, Confucius also recommended healthy diet and sleep. Eat fresh and well-prepared food, in adequate quantity, be mindful in eating and sleeping so we can digest and rest well. Daoist also pay attention to diet and lifestyle as part of holistic approach to health and longevity. In meditation and internal alchemy practice, a healthy physical and energetic body is a pre-requisite for advanced practice. While in the absolute level the physical becomes less relevant, for beginners and regular practitioners, maintaining a healthy body through healthy food and lifestyle is recommended.
10.2 吃饭
食饐而餲、魚餒而肉敗、 不食、色惡不食、臭惡不食、失飪不食、不時不食。不多食。
10.3 食不語、寢不言
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除了道德标准外,孔子也建议健康的饮食和睡眠。 吃新鲜和准备好的食物,适当的数量(不要太饱或太饿),吃饭和睡觉时要专心,让我们可以消化和休息好。 儒家外,道家养生里也相当注意饮食,作为健康生活的一部分。 在打坐和内丹修炼中,绝对健康的身心,是修炼的先决条件。 虽然,在绝对的真理中,身体会变得不那么相关,但对于普通的学道者而言,透过健康的饮食和生活方式来保持一个健康的身体,是一个好的主意。
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