Category: Online Class
3 Steps to Happiness
Bodily happiness comes and goes, Mental happiness fades and floats, What is, and how to pursue lasting happiness? Come join our bi-monthly online community Taochat, coming Sun (Oct13) 8-9pm Hong Kong time, to learn more and experience. Bilingual Chinese-English Free of charge, all are welcome. PM to register.
TaoChat Aug2024 – Engineering Personas
What’s the secret to excel in different areas in life? The secret lies in embracing our mind, transcending the self, and being one with the everlasting source. If you want to learn more, join us in our next bi-monthly online community Taochat: Topic – Engineering Personas Date: Sep1 (Sun) Time: 8-9pm Beijing/Hong Kong time Agenda:…
凡夫:眾生為獨立之身心存在個體,包括自利損他的惡人,自利利他之善人,和人云亦云之羊群。是有生有滅的生命體。當中有人及時行樂,有人追求身意識之永恆天堂和淨土,有人探索真理。 聲聞:眾生為虛假存在之身心合成物,身心滅盡時無有眾生。 獨覺:眾生為因緣和合之幻相,非有非無,迷者誤認爲相,覺者離相非相悟中道,入不二本體。 菩薩:眾生為真實存在之迷途生命,與自身一體,是前進的挑戰和動力。老子云:不善者,善者之資。 法身大士/佛:眾生是眾生,眾生不是眾生,眾生是名眾生。本體中,含融一切,相用其中。不可說,而包含一切說。
修行核心 – 能與所
能為本心,所為現象 修行就是修心。先靜妄心,再找真心,然後置真心(能)於一處(所)。 置心一處,生命成長,開展,無事不辦。 最後人生定位至無邊無量,孕育生化萬物之無始無終不二源頭,重重無盡,無盡成長,無盡超越。 在此方向,若能置心(真心,本心,不二心)一處,便行行可修行,到處可修行。i.e. 工作可修行,家庭可修行,食飯可修行,掃地可修行,以至生活就是修行。 凡夫萬法中流轉聲聞悟能無有所緣覺能所中自在菩薩活用能所二普賢圓滿能所一佛圓滿中能所泯
Life body mind relationship
Know thyself. To know one’s body, is amatuer,To know one’s mind, is skillful,To know Life underneath body-mind, is master. Taochat Jun 2024 – Life body mind relationship
Life Body Mind Relationship 生命身心關係
What is the relationship between Life, Body, and Mind?How does Life enter body, and how does the mind process it?What’s the difference between Memory-driven life vs. Wisdom-driven life? Join us for a revealing discussion in coming online community Taochat: Date: Jun9 (Sun)Time: 8-9pm (Hong Kong Time) All are welcomeFree of chargeBilingual English and ChinesePM Derek…
Taochat Dec 2023 – Essence of Zen
What is Zen?Origin of Zen, Magic of ZenDifference between concentration, sitting meditation, and ZenCultivating Zen – blockages and sidetracks3 levels of SurrenderSurrender MeditationQ&A Join us in Dec10 online community zoom Taochat, last one in 2023 – Essence of Zen Date/Time:Sun (Dec10), 11pm-12am (Sydney/Melbourne)Sun (Dec10), 9-10pm (Tokyo/Seoul)Sun (Dec10), 8-9pm (Beijing/Hong Kong/Taipei)Sun (Dec10), 1-2pm (Stockholm)Sun (Dec10), 12-1pm…
4 Benefits cultivating the Moment:
More Energy – through lessened mental energy wastage More Experience – through sustained relaxed focused awareness More Wisdom – through pre-mental access to the universal database More Truth – through direct alignment with Life, despite of mental distortions
Introduction to Meditation – Online Workshop
Final call to Jun5 free Introduction to Meditation online workshop! Draft deck below for preview and question preparation. Expecting a group of around 20 people, from a diverse background and countries: teachers, doctors, planners, bus drivers, artists, civil servants, engineers, consultants, managers, from 6+ countries! All are welcome. Section primarily in English with Chinese supplement,…
Buddha’s Birthday Special Workshop: 佛誕特別講座
Tao Chat 論道 – free Zoom online session (Bilingual) by Derek – Content: – Meditation, Philosophy, Spirituality, & Daily Life – Free form Q&A Sunday May8 – 9-10am Hong Kong Time All are welcome PM Derek to register
Online Qigong Workshop
Conducted a very successful Qigong workshop at a multinational financial corporation today, quite some positive feedbacks from the group, despite of the less direct transmission through zoom.
Online Class – foundation course completed – 网上课程 – 基础课程完成
Dear readers, After 26 months of discussion and exploration, we have finally completed our online discussion on the core teachings of the three great classics in Chinese Civilization. With the focus on personal and spiritual cultivation, we first learnt about the transcendental reality and the way towards it from Laozi’s Daodejing. After understanding our…
Diamond Sutra – All phenomena are like a dream – 金刚经 – 一切有为法,如梦幻泡影
With every beginning this is an end. After 9 months of exploration and discussion, we have finally come to the end of this classic. In this last chapter, the Buddha reiterates the blessings of following and sharing this sutra, and reminds us again that we should not attached to various forms when sharing the wisdom…
Diamond Sutra – perceive, see, believe, understand as such – 金刚经 – 如是知,如是见,如是信解,不生法相
When the Buddha about to conclude this sutra, he tested his student Subuti and asked: “when someone talk of the notions of self, others, living beings, and immortality, does s/he understand what i teach?” Subhuti answered: “no, because these notions too, are merely names and mental conceptualization, are not to be attached, and not to…
Diamond Sutra – the limitless universe – 金刚经 – 一合相
In advanced meditative state, one sees the limitless universe. Is this real? Is it the end? Some arrives there and claim it is so. The Buddha says in this chapter: despite of its magnificence and splendor, it is not the ultimate, as when we attach ourselves with it, we becomes and limits to it. Therefore…
Diamond Sutra – Buddha can neither come nor go – 金刚经 – 无所从来,亦无所去,故名如来。
Tathagata in Chinese is “如来”, which means “as is”, or “as is originally is”. This “original is” is a state prior to all mentalizations and descriptions, and is beyond the descriptions of coming and going, sitting or lying, a he or a she, etc, which are identifications built on the notions of time and space,…
Diamond Sutra – Bodhisattvas do not receive reward for their merits – 金刚经 – 菩萨不受福德故
There is virtue in practicing charity, which follows the law of karma (law of attraction); Ordinary people claims the virtue as theirs, which reinforces and continues the “self” and its way of life; Bodhisattva dedicates the virtue for the well-being, fulfillment, growth, transcendence, and liberation of themselves and all beings. * * * 不受不贪分第二十八 NO GREED AND…
Diamond Sutra – understanding can be sudden, which sweeps away all mental blockages, practice is not sudden, which get perfected in stages – 金刚经 – 理即顿悟,乘悟并消;事非顿除,因次第尽
After expounding that real Buddha is beyond image and sound, the all compassionate Buddha reminds us that real Buddha does not mean no image and no sound either, and that we should not satisfy with just the proper understanding of truth and should diligently practice it in our life. Why did the Buddha say so?…
Diamond Sutra – Buddha is beyond image and sound – 金刚经 – 若以色见我,以音声求我,是人行邪道,不能见如来
Further to our earlier discussion “Buddha beyond form and appearance” and “Buddha beyond form and no-form“, in this chapter the Buddha reiterates, real Buddha is beyond appearance and sound. If one “sees” or “hears” the Buddha, one has probably been side-tracked. Next time you see or hear something resembling something like the Buddha,…