Autumn Health Tips

Autumn Health Tips – 秋季养生

Today is the Chinese weather date Bailu (白露), which indicates weather is well into the Autumn/Fall season.  After the long hot summer, the active hot energy is almost over and is slowly declining downwards and inwards back to the earth.  With every rain shower the temperature gets cooler, leaves are falling, and everything is going into a shrinking and declining mode.

For health concerns, we should regulate our lives in accordance to the nature.  We need to pay extra attention to the metal element, which is the element of the Autumn/Fall, which in body is represented by the lung/skin/respiratory system.  First, as weather is getting cooler in the morning and evening, we should get our skin covered and keep our body warm, especially in lower body and at joints, where cold energy can easily come in and cause illness.  Second, we should maintain regular and appropriate exercises (active and still) to keep our respiratory and immune system strong.  And finally, we should be mindful of the Autumn/Fall seasonal climate change which could trigger negative emotions such as sadness loneliness and depression.

If we can acknowledge these changes and make adjustments accordingly, we can then maintain our physical and mental health and flow with the seasonal changes.今天是中国的节气”白露”,这表明天气已深深的进入了秋季。 经过漫长而炎热的夏季,活跃和炎热的能量已接近尾声,而正在慢慢的向下和向内回降到地上来。 每一场雨过后,气温都会变得更清凉,树叶逐渐飘落,一切都进入萎缩和衰退的模式。

关于秋季的养生,我们应该按照自然的规律去调节我们的生活。 我们需要格外的注意五行之中的金元素,这是秋季的元素,在身体中的代表为肺,皮肤,和呼吸系统。 首先,随着天气的渐渐转凉,特别是在早晨和傍晚时,我们应该好好的覆盖我们的皮肤,保持身体温暖,尤其是下半身和关节处,因为冷空气很容易从这些地方进来,并导致疾病。 第二,我们应该保持定期及适当的运动(动功和静功),以保持我们呼吸系统和免疫系统的健康。 最后,我们应该注意秋季气候的变化可能会引发的负面情绪,如悲伤,孤独和抑郁等。



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