Category: Health

  • Negotiation, Customer Service, Healing

    Negotiation, Customer Service, Healing

    Masters settle conflicts before they arise – Inner Canon of Yellow Emperor Applicable in Negotiation, Customer Service, and Health. Amateurs struggle from conflicts to conflicts, Smart ones settles early when conflicts start to arise, Masters maintain oneself and relationship in optimal states.

  • 4 Benefits cultivating the Moment:

    4 Benefits cultivating the Moment:

    More Energy – through lessened mental energy wastage More Experience – through sustained relaxed focused awareness More Wisdom – through pre-mental access to the universal database More Truth – through direct alignment with Life, despite of mental distortions

  • Health Tips during Virus Outbreak

    Health Tips during Virus Outbreak

    Health tips during Virus outbreak: Basic hygiene: 1) wear a mask in public place 2) wash hands frequently (soap better than hand sanitizers), and avoid touching face 3) avoid crowded area 4) keep good 6-8 feet distance from others 5) careful of dirty public items (handrails, door handles, toilet water tap, door, seats) 6) stay…

  • Broad minds see goodness. – 心寬之人, 常記人善

    Broad minds see goodness. – 心寬之人, 常記人善

    Broad minds see goodness, narrow minds see badness. If don’t acknowledge goodness, one would not feel gratitude, if frequently remember badness, one would not feel serenity. 心寬之人, 常記人善; 心窄之人, 常記人惡; 記不住人善的人, 難有感恩之心; 常記人惡的人, 難有祥和之時.心寬之人, 常記人善; 心窄之人, 常記人惡; 記不住人善的人, 難有感恩之心; 常記人惡的人, 難有祥和之時.

  • The way to longevity – 養生之道

    The way to longevity – 養生之道

    The way to longevity is to cultivate the spirit; the key in cultivating the spirit is to cultivate virtue. If virtue is absence, longevity cannot be achieved no matter what medicine you take. – Tang Dynasty Medical master Sun Si Miao. 養生之道, 重在養神; 養神之要, 重在養德. 德行不全, 縱服玉液金丹, 未能廷壽. – 唐代名醫孫思邈養生之道, 重在養神; 養神之要, 重在養德. 德行不全, 縱服玉液金丹,…

  • Autumn Health Tips – 秋季养生

    Autumn Health Tips – 秋季养生

    Today is the Chinese weather date Bailu (白露), which indicates weather is well into the Autumn/Fall season.  After the long hot summer, the active hot energy is almost over and is slowly declining downwards and inwards back to the earth.  With every rain shower the temperature gets cooler, leaves are falling, and everything is going…