Translates as (誠信), has two components in Chinese interpretation:
1. (誠) refers to sincerity, which refers to 1) honesty, 2) sincerity, and 3) pure in intention:
1) Honesty (誠實) refers to truthfulness and consistency in body, speech, and mind. i.e. speech aligns with mind, action aligns with speech. When one maintains truthfulness and consistency across mind, speech, and body, one develops self-confidence, and gains trust from others through credibility.
2) Sincerity (真誠) refers to attitude. Sincere towards others, sincere towards tasks on hands. One hold responsibility and accountability towards oneself and tasks, and can be truthful towards oneself, the world, and life at large. Facing mistakes and errors, one could admit and correct, adjust and grow, resulting in positive development of oneself and others.
3) Pure in intention (誠心) refers to proper use of the mind, aligning to the source and higher wisdom. When we align our mind/speech/action with higher wisdom, we walk on wings, and can thrive and uplift oneself and the world
2. (信) refers to 1) trust, 2) believe, and 3) confidence
1) Speaking truthfully, and acting according to spoke, one wins trust (信任) from others
2) Believing in oneself, others, and the bright side of human spirit, one sees everyone striving, learning, and growing, which is the right believe (相信).
3) Confidence (信心) results from integrity building through mind, speech, and body. Solid character is developed, and further refined through ever-expanding refinements and improvements in life. The law of attraction is experienced and validated in daily life, and thus reinforces confidence in life general.
Therefore, with integrity, success in all aspects of life ensures, in work, at home, as individual, as well as in the interconnected world.
誠信, 為做人本, 修道基
誠, 誠實, 真誠, 誠心也.
誠實, 為身口意真實, 一致. 心口一致, 言行合一. 內外一致. 不會口是心非, 口蜜腹劍, 言而無信, 信口開河. 人能誠實, 對己能建立自信心, 對人能建立信任. 言必真實, 言出必行故.
真誠, 為誠意, 誠心. 待人真誠, 做事認真, 做人做事有責任, 有承擔. 能坦誠面對自己, 面對社會, 面對生命. 知錯能改, 奮發上進, 立己立人.
誠心, 為善用其心. 心為萬物心源, 善為合乎心源,合乎道. 做人做事能誠心合道, 便能天人合一, 圓融向上.
信, 信任, 相信, 信心也.
言必真實, 言出必行, 就能贏得別人信任.
相信自己, 相信別人. 相信人性的光明面, 都在努力, 都在學習, 都在成長.
信心, 是誠信的結果. 人格隨誠信的建立而健全, 做人做事不斷成長, 不斷超越. 故對人對己對生命存有信心. 天道好輪迴, 善惡終有報. 能在生活中體會出來, 故有信心.
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