Author: Derek

  • Wellness, Mindfulness, Happiness

    Wellness, Mindfulness, Happiness

    Look at these happy faces! Delivered a workshop on Wellness, Mindfulness, and Happiness today, with fifty-five teachers from the Buddhist Chi King Primary School. We exchanged best practices on Wellness, Mindfulness, Happiness, played fun games, practiced mindfulness exercises, and explored whole spectrum of happiness, from individual physical-mental health, to relational, worldly and spiritual wellness. Feedbacks…

  • 佛菩薩


    何謂佛菩薩? 佛為本體,菩薩為作用 光明正覺中,匯本體;智慧中,起綜合作用 階梯上,無體亂用,為凡夫;有體無用,為羅漢;有體有用,為菩薩;體用圓融,為佛 圓融中,體中起用,用中顯體,體即是用,用即是體,離體用,無體用,融體用,為體用 是為佛菩薩

  • Bodhisattva 菩薩

    Bodhisattva 菩薩

    The preciousness of Bodhisattva, lies on its ability to manifest non-personal existence and uplifting virtue, in the transient and illusory world, to be and grow with all, towards liberations and full enlightenment. Photo: Earth Store Bodhisattva, Sugamo, Tokyo, Japan

  • 金蛇



  • Light 光明

    Light 光明

    In Buddhist vocabulary, the word light 燈 refers to our innate wisdom. When we surrender our erroneous identification, and illusive attachment to the ego through nondualitic wisdom, inner light shines forth, lighting up the multifaceted world with its intrinsic compassion and inclusion within the universal systems. Therefore is the term, enlightenment. #light#inner#nondualistic#wisdom#compassion#diversity#inclusion#enlightenmemt photo: Eiheiji, Japan

  • 向陽


    讀萬卷書,不如行萬里路; 行萬里路,不如閱人無數; 閱人無數,不如名師指路; 名師指路,不如貴人相助; 貴人相助,不如自己頓悟; 自己不悟,神仙也難救。 這裡,包含了三個方向的成長: 1. 外在(知識)-中間(閱歷,受教,受助)-到內在(領悟,成就) 2. 理論(知識)-驗證(閱歷)- 實踐能力(領悟) 3.他力(知識,閱人,明師)-自力 (實踐,驗證,改進) 是很簡練的人生觀察,和成長總結。 學習工作如是,做人修道更是。 重點,不是線性的高下比較,選高棄底,而是要全方位的學習,生活和成長。讀書,遊歷,閱人,向明師(不一定是名師)請教,修福德貴人,自己努力反省檢討,領悟後繼續無止境的改進和超越,全方位進行。一通百通,百通一通。 有這樣的眼界和實踐毅力,人生必定成功。

  • Nature


    Connect to nature, to rejuvenate, rebalance, and recharge. Photo: Tai Chi Lake, Wudang Mountain

  • 武當養生體驗團2024
  • 太極,陰陽,八卦


    道生一,一生二,二生三,三生萬物 本體中,源頭生起總相(->1),對立劃出人我自他(1->2),個體用精氣神(3)感知和衍生世間萬物(3->8->64) 修道者,從萬物之沉迷執著中回歸自身精氣神(64->3),精氣神基礎建好後開始探索二元對立之習性與特質(3->2),超越後續超越更細微之相無相(2–>1),空不空對立,最後回歸本體(1->) 到達本體後,123864不再是a-b-c的線性前進關係,而是一個holographic的整體,為見道 見道後,實踐和圓融於日常生活中,至穩定,為 修道。 全方位圓融無礙時,為成道 成道後生命完全擺脫無明之干擾和障礙,在源頭中無邊無量的綻放,為行道 為道家太極八卦生命觀 Dao gives rise to 1, 1 gives rise to 2, 2 gives rise to 3, 3 gives rise to everything. – Daodejing From the source, arises totality(♾️->1), then non-duality is seperated into duality through the arising of the individuals (1->2), individuals experience life through the physicality-energy-consciousness…

  • Tai Chi Workshop

    Tai Chi Workshop

    Conducted a Tai Chi workshop, to a group of graduating high school students from Japan Fuji Municipal Highschool, in a cultural exchange tour in Hong Kong. We learnt Taoist Philosophy, Holistic Health, Taichi, Kungfu, did traditional Taoist exercises, experienced Chi, and discussed how to integrate it in daily life bringing out maximum potential from within.

  • Taochat 2024 – After Enlightenment

    Taochat 2024 – After Enlightenment

    What is Enlightenment? What are 5 levels of Enlightenment? What are they like, and how to practice? Join our 2024 final online community Taochat, for a conclusive discussion: Topic – After EnlightenmentDate: Dec15, 2024 (Sun)Time: 8-9:15pm Beijing/Hong Kong time Agenda:– What is Enlightenment 開悟是什麼– 5 Levels of Enlightenment 開悟5層次– 3 Practices at 4 levels 三學5層次–…

  • 修身, 修心, 修神

    修身, 修心, 修神

    修身不如修心,心行身故 修心不如修神,神生心故 此神非形而下可描述之神,乃無始無終,無邊無量,上通下達,之不二源頭 故初品修身,中品修心,上品修神 圖:一代宗師 The Grandmaster 問: 請問心與神有什麼分別? 答: 這裡的心(中文裡有很多不同意思的心),指思想心;這裡的神,指思想心背後的生命源頭。前者如浮雲,飄泊不定;後者為生命本源,不一不二,無邊無量,無始無終。技術上,先修福報正知見,再調身心,才會有條件探索和感受神。

  • 深,廣


    修道功夫,不外乎兩個字:深,廣 立正根基,捨顛倒執著,探索本源,窮其自性,為深 實踐於生活,貫通知見行為,擴大超越於人我內外,達至無邊無量,無始無終,為廣 深而不廣,為獨覺:小自在 深而又廣,為菩薩:大自在

  • Emptiness 空

    Emptiness 空

    Emptiness, is beyond form, includes form, and at one with form. – level of truth 970 Taochat 2024 – Happiness in Life 大乘空, 離相,含相,不二。- 真理水平980 論道2024 – 幸福人生

  • 3 Steps to Happiness

    3 Steps to Happiness

    Bodily happiness comes and goes, Mental happiness fades and floats, What is, and how to pursue lasting happiness? Come join our bi-monthly online community Taochat, coming Sun (Oct13) 8-9pm Hong Kong time, to learn more and experience. Bilingual Chinese-English Free of charge, all are welcome. PM to register.

  • Taochat 2024 – Happiness in Life

    Taochat 2024 – Happiness in Life

    What is Happiness? What does Greek, Indian, Chinese, European, and American Masters said? How does rate of happiness correlates to level of consciousness?What are key steps to raise one’s happiness?What are happiness traps and essential happiness? Join us in our next bi-monthly online community Taochat, for a conclusive discussion: Topic – Happiness in LifeDate: Oct13,2024…

  • 觀心 4 levels of Observation

    觀心 4 levels of Observation

    觀形不如觀色,人會整形觀色不如觀氣,人會化妝觀氣不如觀神,氣幻無常觀神不如觀心,神出于心 孔子云,觀人要多方面觀,持續的觀。所謂:路遙知馬力,日久見人心。 這裡的心,為思想心之內之自心,最高者為離我執分別之不二真心。 4 levels of Observation 1. Observing appearance, is less effective than observing color, as form can be changed by surgery;2. Observing color, is less effective than observing energy, as color could be masked by make up;3. Observing energy, is less effective than observing mind, as energy changes with situations;4. Observing mind, is…

  • 慈悲


    口頭慈悲我為主文筆慈悲概念暖何時才能真感受漫天風雨體用圓 慈,是生命本體對萬物之無緣關懷悲,是生命個體對全體之感受承載 悲打開,慈綻放因地鍛煉至無邊無量,果地成為不二之本然狀態不是小我姿態,也不是文字矯情,是用自心去感受和實踐之生命本然 Compassion (慈悲), consists of two parts in Chinese. First part is Kindness (慈), second part is Empathy (悲). What is Kindness? Unconditional gentleness and nurturance it is. By aligning with our source, we feel the ultimate potentiality of life, which is unconditional Kindness. What is Empthy? By opening up our senses, we feel the…

  • TaoChat Aug2024 – Engineering Personas

    TaoChat Aug2024 – Engineering Personas

    What’s the secret to excel in different areas in life? The secret lies in embracing our mind, transcending the self, and being one with the everlasting source. If you want to learn more, join us in our next bi-monthly online community Taochat: Topic – Engineering Personas Date: Sep1 (Sun) Time: 8-9pm Beijing/Hong Kong time Agenda:…

  • 太極,氣功,與靜觀工作坊


    生命之可貴,在於我們能擁抱過去,並勇敢的邁向未知的未來。 太極,氣功,與靜觀工作坊Pursuit of X – The Cocoon Foundation