If you heard of teachings of this Sutra and there is a sudden realization and resonance in you which brings you faith in the truth described. Congratulations! Your good effort has led to right karma and wisdom which leads you to come in touch with this impenetrable wisdom. Learn thoroughly what this Sutra has to offer, and use it to further your practice in your life.
Such was what happened to the Chinese Zen Buddhist Sixth Patriach Hui Neng. As an uneducated woodcutter who had never heard of Buddhism in his life, one day when he past by a farm house and heard of someone chanting a phrase of the Diamond Sutra “应无所住而生其心 (let the mind abide in nothing – no things and no no-thing)“, there was a realization which initiated him to his later study and eventual succession of the tradition.
If you have not experience any particular reaction after hearing this sutra, don’t worry, it is already great karma, as will be described in later chapters, that you got to hear about it. Stay put in your effort and your realization will come.
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Subhuti said to the Buddha: “World Honored One, will there be living beings who can develop a true belief in these words, sentences and chapters when they are expounded to them?”
The Buddha said: “Subhuti, do not speak like that. In the last 500 years, before the final passing of the Tathagata, there will be those who will observe the rules of morality and perform good actions which will result in blessing. These people will be able to develop a faith in these sentences which they will consider as embodying the Truth. You should know that they will not have planted good roots in just one, two, three, four, or five Buddha lands. They will have planted them in countless thousands and tens of thousands of Buddha lands. Upon hearing these sentences, there will arise in them a single thought of pure faith.如果你听此经的教导时,突然有领悟或者是共鸣,并让你深深的对经中的道理产生信心。 恭喜你!你正确的努力所建立的业力和智慧,为你带来了这个坚不可摧的智慧。彻底的研究这部佛经,并在你的生活中,用它来进一步实践和提升你的生命。
这就是中国佛教禅宗六祖慧能的情况。作为一个没有受过教育的樵夫,也从没听说过佛教的教导,有一天,当他经过一个农家时,听到有人念诵金刚经里的“应无所住而生其心“时,就一定程度的开悟了。 这发起了他对佛教的信心,并启发了他后来的学习和修炼,最终继承并弘扬了这伟大的传统。
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