Category: Daoism
Connect to nature, to rejuvenate, rebalance, and recharge. Photo: Tai Chi Lake, Wudang Mountain
Tai Chi Workshop
Conducted a Tai Chi workshop, to a group of graduating high school students from Japan Fuji Municipal Highschool, in a cultural exchange tour in Hong Kong. We learnt Taoist Philosophy, Holistic Health, Taichi, Kungfu, did traditional Taoist exercises, experienced Chi, and discussed how to integrate it in daily life bringing out maximum potential from within.
Taochat 2024 – After Enlightenment
What is Enlightenment? What are 5 levels of Enlightenment? What are they like, and how to practice? Join our 2024 final online community Taochat, for a conclusive discussion: Topic – After EnlightenmentDate: Dec15, 2024 (Sun)Time: 8-9:15pm Beijing/Hong Kong time Agenda:– What is Enlightenment 開悟是什麼– 5 Levels of Enlightenment 開悟5層次– 3 Practices at 4 levels 三學5層次–…
修身, 修心, 修神
修身不如修心,心行身故 修心不如修神,神生心故 此神非形而下可描述之神,乃無始無終,無邊無量,上通下達,之不二源頭 故初品修身,中品修心,上品修神 圖:一代宗師 The Grandmaster 問: 請問心與神有什麼分別? 答: 這裡的心(中文裡有很多不同意思的心),指思想心;這裡的神,指思想心背後的生命源頭。前者如浮雲,飄泊不定;後者為生命本源,不一不二,無邊無量,無始無終。技術上,先修福報正知見,再調身心,才會有條件探索和感受神。
3 Steps to Happiness
Bodily happiness comes and goes, Mental happiness fades and floats, What is, and how to pursue lasting happiness? Come join our bi-monthly online community Taochat, coming Sun (Oct13) 8-9pm Hong Kong time, to learn more and experience. Bilingual Chinese-English Free of charge, all are welcome. PM to register.
Taochat 2024 – Happiness in Life
What is Happiness? What does Greek, Indian, Chinese, European, and American Masters said? How does rate of happiness correlates to level of consciousness?What are key steps to raise one’s happiness?What are happiness traps and essential happiness? Join us in our next bi-monthly online community Taochat, for a conclusive discussion: Topic – Happiness in LifeDate: Oct13,2024…
觀心 4 levels of Observation
觀形不如觀色,人會整形觀色不如觀氣,人會化妝觀氣不如觀神,氣幻無常觀神不如觀心,神出于心 孔子云,觀人要多方面觀,持續的觀。所謂:路遙知馬力,日久見人心。 這裡的心,為思想心之內之自心,最高者為離我執分別之不二真心。 4 levels of Observation 1. Observing appearance, is less effective than observing color, as form can be changed by surgery;2. Observing color, is less effective than observing energy, as color could be masked by make up;3. Observing energy, is less effective than observing mind, as energy changes with situations;4. Observing mind, is…
何謂道法自然? 人法地,人受制如地球法則(四季寒暑,地球物理)地法天,地球受制於宇宙法則(自轉公轉,物理精神)天法道,宇宙受制於形而上的道理(道)道法自然,道又受制於什麼?自然 不是大自然的自然,是自心之所然,形上形下總體法則之所然。 萬法出於自心。心善世界善,心惡世界惡,心攝世界攝。心善時,意善思想善行動善,故世界善;心惡時,意惡思想惡行動惡,故世界惡。 何謂善?對生命有正面影響和提升的為善,反者為惡。 世間迷者,不知善惡,或缺乏定力,隨波逐流。沉迷各種不善之感官刺激和追求。生命能量耗盡時,後悔莫及。 所以,道法自然中,其實並無外在神明主宰和決定命運,一切唯心做,前因爲何,現況就何。萬物都根據自身和族群之發展而繼續奮鬥而已,為自然。
福來自於布施行壽長用來行使命康出自於正生活寧靜來自知正命 Taoists approach wellness through 4 areas:福:Blessings through right actions壽:Longevity through right purpose康:Health through right life style寧:Peace through right understanding of life #Taoist #Wellness #Blessings #Longevity #Health #Peace #Mindfulness
身心不郁動 現象界照動 唯有般若中 離融動不動 行者的心,隨著正確的修行,會越來越清明,越來越廣闊,越來越燦爛,越來越平靜 開始調身,身平靜 繼而調心,心平靜 進而找本心,至大平靜 小平靜中相不動 中平靜中意不動 大平靜中為般若,離動靜,融動靜,無靜無不靜 是為不動 生命水平997
Life Body Mind Relationship 生命身心關係
What is the relationship between Life, Body, and Mind?How does Life enter body, and how does the mind process it?What’s the difference between Memory-driven life vs. Wisdom-driven life? Join us for a revealing discussion in coming online community Taochat: Date: Jun9 (Sun)Time: 8-9pm (Hong Kong Time) All are welcomeFree of chargeBilingual English and ChinesePM Derek…
Taoist Sleeping Meditation
Work well, play well, sleep well Taoist Sleeping Meditation WorkshopWellness Month 2024Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
Not-doing vs. Non-doing
“Not-doing” leads to passiveness, detachment, egocentric giving up of, and flatness in life; whereas “Non-doing” allows active, free, vibrant participation, and manifestation of life, beyond the egoic self. Such is the essence of Chinese non-duality, as described in Taoist and Buddhism classics.
Taoist teachers, students
The universe responses, continuously. When we humble our “selves”, and ask for guidance, teachers and teachings appear. They could appear in different forms (a teacher, friend, family member, colleague, boss, team, customer, client, regulator, stranger, or even as general phenomena). When the student is adapt and mature, the “selves” become quiet, and the separation between…
Transcending the ego-mind
Life constructed by the ego-mind, is known, linear, logical, therefore is rigid, and limited. Life transcending the ego-mind, is nonlinear, lead by vision, integrated with wisdom, thus is flexible, and unlimited. #life#ego#logical#rigid#limited #life#vision#wisdom#flexible#unlimited
Transcending time 超越時間
時間是什麼? 是主觀感受, 還是客觀現實? 其物理, 心理, 神經成份為何? 金剛經如何說? 如何超越時間, 體驗當下? 當下的奇妙 10月29(日)9-10pm 來討論, 交流, 感受 論道2023 What is Time? Is it objective or subjective? What is its physical, psychological, and neural origin? What does the Diamond Sutra says about past, present and future? How to transcend time and return to the Moment? Power of the Moment…
你懂身邊人嗎? 利益關係和情感關係外,他是個什麼樣的人? 有什麼的故事和追求? 你懂這世界嗎? 家庭教育,學校認知,和媒體描述外,這世界是如何運作的?跟我是什麼關係? 你懂自己嗎? 不同的社會角色,和面具背後,我到底是什麼?在無邊的生命洪流裡,和多元世界中,我要成為一個什麼樣的人? 自己都未認識清楚時,就認為自己了解其他人,及對其他人作出隨意的批判和評價,是自以為是的無知和莽撞,除增長我慢和製造混亂外,一無是處。 更好的態度,是保持謙虛和尊重的心態,去聆聽,欣賞,和接納。這樣做,會帶來知見的增長,心量的擴大,和生活的和諧美滿。 老子云:知不知,上(知道自己不知道,為上);不知知,病(唔知道自己不知道,扮知道,是病)。