Category: wellness
Connect to nature, to rejuvenate, rebalance, and recharge. Photo: Tai Chi Lake, Wudang Mountain
Tai Chi Workshop
Conducted a Tai Chi workshop, to a group of graduating high school students from Japan Fuji Municipal Highschool, in a cultural exchange tour in Hong Kong. We learnt Taoist Philosophy, Holistic Health, Taichi, Kungfu, did traditional Taoist exercises, experienced Chi, and discussed how to integrate it in daily life bringing out maximum potential from within.
修身, 修心, 修神
修身不如修心,心行身故 修心不如修神,神生心故 此神非形而下可描述之神,乃無始無終,無邊無量,上通下達,之不二源頭 故初品修身,中品修心,上品修神 圖:一代宗師 The Grandmaster 問: 請問心與神有什麼分別? 答: 這裡的心(中文裡有很多不同意思的心),指思想心;這裡的神,指思想心背後的生命源頭。前者如浮雲,飄泊不定;後者為生命本源,不一不二,無邊無量,無始無終。技術上,先修福報正知見,再調身心,才會有條件探索和感受神。
3 Steps to Happiness
Bodily happiness comes and goes, Mental happiness fades and floats, What is, and how to pursue lasting happiness? Come join our bi-monthly online community Taochat, coming Sun (Oct13) 8-9pm Hong Kong time, to learn more and experience. Bilingual Chinese-English Free of charge, all are welcome. PM to register.
Taochat 2024 – Happiness in Life
What is Happiness? What does Greek, Indian, Chinese, European, and American Masters said? How does rate of happiness correlates to level of consciousness?What are key steps to raise one’s happiness?What are happiness traps and essential happiness? Join us in our next bi-monthly online community Taochat, for a conclusive discussion: Topic – Happiness in LifeDate: Oct13,2024…
TaoChat Aug2024 – Engineering Personas
What’s the secret to excel in different areas in life? The secret lies in embracing our mind, transcending the self, and being one with the everlasting source. If you want to learn more, join us in our next bi-monthly online community Taochat: Topic – Engineering Personas Date: Sep1 (Sun) Time: 8-9pm Beijing/Hong Kong time Agenda:…
何謂道法自然? 人法地,人受制如地球法則(四季寒暑,地球物理)地法天,地球受制於宇宙法則(自轉公轉,物理精神)天法道,宇宙受制於形而上的道理(道)道法自然,道又受制於什麼?自然 不是大自然的自然,是自心之所然,形上形下總體法則之所然。 萬法出於自心。心善世界善,心惡世界惡,心攝世界攝。心善時,意善思想善行動善,故世界善;心惡時,意惡思想惡行動惡,故世界惡。 何謂善?對生命有正面影響和提升的為善,反者為惡。 世間迷者,不知善惡,或缺乏定力,隨波逐流。沉迷各種不善之感官刺激和追求。生命能量耗盡時,後悔莫及。 所以,道法自然中,其實並無外在神明主宰和決定命運,一切唯心做,前因爲何,現況就何。萬物都根據自身和族群之發展而繼續奮鬥而已,為自然。
福來自於布施行壽長用來行使命康出自於正生活寧靜來自知正命 Taoists approach wellness through 4 areas:福:Blessings through right actions壽:Longevity through right purpose康:Health through right life style寧:Peace through right understanding of life #Taoist #Wellness #Blessings #Longevity #Health #Peace #Mindfulness
Life Body Mind Relationship 生命身心關係
What is the relationship between Life, Body, and Mind?How does Life enter body, and how does the mind process it?What’s the difference between Memory-driven life vs. Wisdom-driven life? Join us for a revealing discussion in coming online community Taochat: Date: Jun9 (Sun)Time: 8-9pm (Hong Kong Time) All are welcomeFree of chargeBilingual English and ChinesePM Derek…
Taoist Sleeping Meditation
Work well, play well, sleep well Taoist Sleeping Meditation WorkshopWellness Month 2024Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
Not-doing vs. Non-doing
“Not-doing” leads to passiveness, detachment, egocentric giving up of, and flatness in life; whereas “Non-doing” allows active, free, vibrant participation, and manifestation of life, beyond the egoic self. Such is the essence of Chinese non-duality, as described in Taoist and Buddhism classics.
Mindful Rejuvenation
Energy follows mind, when we follow the random emotions and thoughts, our life energy is disipated, and thus is the feeling of exhaustion afterwards. When bring back our attention to the moment prior to thought and emotions arising, stories die down and energy is retained. Such is the rejuvenating mechanism of mindfulness.
Why practice Qigong?
Qi, or Chi, is the vital life energy everyone possesses. It connects the mind and the body. When abundant and balanced, leads to health and clarity of mind, when depleted and imbalanced, pain and illness. Thus Qigong is a good supplement to mindfulness practice, which focuses primarily more on the mind. photo source: wikihow
中秋 Mid Autumn 2024
中秋快樂 月圓,人圓 彼岸,在此岸 Happy Mid-Autumn FestivalMoon round, people aroundThe other shore, is right here
一般人只看到治亂的英雄, 治病的明醫. 其實真正的高手是在亂象病象未發生之前, 已經平定了. 我們要學會欣賞高手, 和做高手. “一年四季春夏秋冬,我們身體及情緒的感覺也有春夏秋冬。 我再講個小事,跟我久了的同學就知道我有一個習慣,他們每天早上先把當天的氣象報告給我。最高多少度,最低多少度,今天是什麼濕度,知道了以後你就曉得穿衣服了。其實你要講養生之道,這些通通要注意。 從陰陽則生,逆之則死,從之則治,逆之則亂,反順為逆是謂內格。”所以你要懂陰陽四時這個法則,自己養生,調養、保養這個身體。如果違反了就會生病,內在出問題了。 是故聖人不治已病治未病,不治已亂治未亂,此之謂也。”這是中國上古的文化,醫道跟政治是一樣的,懂得政治的歷史上大名家,都懂得醫,因為都是醫學道理來的。所以“聖人不治已病治未病”,在沒有病的時候,有一點不對就先吃藥,先把它治好;等到已經生病再治已經晚了。 政治的道理也是一樣,天下大亂,你來平天下,不算有功勞;能夠使國家社會永遠不亂,這才是大政治家。看起來沒有功勞,其實功勞最大。這幾句話是中國文化的精華。” 南懷瑾 —《小言黃帝內經與生命科學》
欲,是以“我”為中心,其他人事物,只是用來滿足“我”和“我”所喜愛的色受想行識。能量水平125 愛,是以“他/她/它”為中心,為了“他/她/它”的幸福快樂,可以放下“我”。看媽媽對孩子的愛,寵物對主人的愛,從有條件到無條件的。能量水平500+ 情,欲很薄了,愛也由強烈的二元往來,轉化為整體的關注和思念。看親情,人情,覺悟有情。 有智慧,有定力,先有條件談情說愛。否則,是隨波逐流,不能持續的。
Introduction to Meditation – Online Workshop
Final call to Jun5 free Introduction to Meditation online workshop! Draft deck below for preview and question preparation. Expecting a group of around 20 people, from a diverse background and countries: teachers, doctors, planners, bus drivers, artists, civil servants, engineers, consultants, managers, from 6+ countries! All are welcome. Section primarily in English with Chinese supplement,…