Tag: 佛
何謂佛菩薩? 佛為本體,菩薩為作用 光明正覺中,匯本體;智慧中,起綜合作用 階梯上,無體亂用,為凡夫;有體無用,為羅漢;有體有用,為菩薩;體用圓融,為佛 圓融中,體中起用,用中顯體,體即是用,用即是體,離體用,無體用,融體用,為體用 是為佛菩薩
修行核心 – 能與所
能為本心,所為現象 修行就是修心。先靜妄心,再找真心,然後置真心(能)於一處(所)。 置心一處,生命成長,開展,無事不辦。 最後人生定位至無邊無量,孕育生化萬物之無始無終不二源頭,重重無盡,無盡成長,無盡超越。 在此方向,若能置心(真心,本心,不二心)一處,便行行可修行,到處可修行。i.e. 工作可修行,家庭可修行,食飯可修行,掃地可修行,以至生活就是修行。 凡夫萬法中流轉聲聞悟能無有所緣覺能所中自在菩薩活用能所二普賢圓滿能所一佛圓滿中能所泯
五乘道 Five Levels of Life
五乘道 凡夫假有,散亂昏沉,迷茫生死,三界浮沉 聲聞入定,認滅為道,八萬劫後,原地再來 緣覺中觀,止觀相運,隨緣生死,智慧獨行 菩薩大悲,智慧緣行,層遞迴向,等妙同行 佛為究竟,一五五一,百花齊放,無盡所能 Five Levels of Life Ordinary people hold on to transient ownership, scattered and unaware, lost in life and death, floating passively in the three realms (desire, form, formless) Elementary practitioner abides in concentrations, falsely recognise annihiliation as enlightenment, and returns to as is after eons of time Intermediate practitioner…
Diamond Sutra – There is no Buddha who teach anything – 金刚经 – 没佛说法
Further to the earlier part of the Sutra “Buddha beyond form and appearance” and “There is no Buddha who attained enlightenment“, this chapter further describes that real Buddha cannot be recognized by its specific 32 characteristics in appearance, and that Buddha has not taught anything. While some Buddhist scriptures describe Buddha to have 32 characteristics…
Diamond Sutra – All Buddhas and their Supreme-Enlightenment-Dharma originate from this Sutra – 金刚经 – 一切诸佛,及诸佛阿耨多罗三藐三菩提法,皆从此经出
“All Buddhas and their teachings originate from this Sutra” said the Buddha. The Sutra here, refers to not the printed Sutra, nor the spoken or written words, nor the teachings therein, but to the historical and on-going source of all the above. The Sutra here, refers to the realization that Mahakasyapa had when Buddha raised the Lotus…
Diamond Sutra – Buddha beyond form and appearance – 金刚经 – 不可以身相得见如来
Can the Buddha be seen? Can enlightened beings been recognized by certain appearance or form? Although there are certain descriptions of how Buddha or Bodhisattva may look, ultimately the reality and awareness of the Buddha, like the nature of the Tao depicted in Daodejing, are beyond form and descriptions. Therefore, real Buddha is beyond form…