Tag: compassion

  • Light 光明

    Light 光明

    In Buddhist vocabulary, the word light 燈 refers to our innate wisdom. When we surrender our erroneous identification, and illusive attachment to the ego through nondualitic wisdom, inner light shines forth, lighting up the multifaceted world with its intrinsic compassion and inclusion within the universal systems. Therefore is the term, enlightenment. #light#inner#nondualistic#wisdom#compassion#diversity#inclusion#enlightenmemt photo: Eiheiji, Japan

  • 慈悲


    口頭慈悲我為主文筆慈悲概念暖何時才能真感受漫天風雨體用圓 慈,是生命本體對萬物之無緣關懷悲,是生命個體對全體之感受承載 悲打開,慈綻放因地鍛煉至無邊無量,果地成為不二之本然狀態不是小我姿態,也不是文字矯情,是用自心去感受和實踐之生命本然 Compassion (慈悲), consists of two parts in Chinese. First part is Kindness (慈), second part is Empathy (悲). What is Kindness? Unconditional gentleness and nurturance it is. By aligning with our source, we feel the ultimate potentiality of life, which is unconditional Kindness. What is Empthy? By opening up our senses, we feel the…

  • Taochat – Love and Compassion

    Taochat – Love and Compassion

    What is Love? What are drivers? What’s the different between selfish love and selfless Love? Dualistic love vs. Love as a field? How does love manifests in different levels of consciousness? Want to experience loving kindness meditation? Join us in Aug26 online community zoom Taochat – Love and Compassion: Date/Time: Sat (Aug26), 11pm-12am (Sydney) Sat…

  • Dao De Jing 16 – Going back to emptiness and stillness

    Dao De Jing 16 – Going back to emptiness and stillness

    Reach the end of emptiness, abide in the end of stillness.  Things manifest, i see coming and going. -> Emptiness here refers to reality beyond form.  Stillness here refers to reality beyond mind.  When one realizes this reality, one sees things coming and going, fully aware, but not affected by them. Despite of diversity, things all…