Tag: justice
Dao De Jing 73 – Nature of heaven, like a giant net
Courage when applied to doing kills, when applied to not-doing saves. -> In sentiments, courage could lead to hurting and killing. In stillness, courage to refrain from participating saves. E.g. when someone hits you, courage could be used to revenge (kill), or forgive (saves). These two could benefit or harm. Who could know what the…
Dao De Jing 38 – High virtue does not necessarily appear virtuous
Dao De Jing Chapter 38 Discussion: Virtue What do you think when hear about the term virtue? kindness, lovingness, flower, incense, and music? Yes, but not limited to them. Laozi describes high virtue is like that of heaven and earth, that virtue supports all lives without anyone purposely acting, they just run according to the universal rhythm,…