Tag: learning
Jade stays raw without polish – 玉不琢,不成器
玉不琢,不成器。 人不學,不知義。苦難磨練人,智慧提升人。 Jade stays raw without polish, man remains ignorant without learning. Sufferings refine us, wisdom uplifts us.
Diamond Sutra – there is really no Dharma to gain – 金刚经 – 得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提,为无所得
In a typical learning process, we receive some information, digest it intellectually or follow it experimentally, then it become part of us as an integrated part of our life. Very often, we consider it a gain after we learn something. However, in this sutra, after telling us that there is really no Dharma to teach, and…