Tag: love
Taochat – Love and Compassion
What is Love? What are drivers? What’s the different between selfish love and selfless Love? Dualistic love vs. Love as a field? How does love manifests in different levels of consciousness? Want to experience loving kindness meditation? Join us in Aug26 online community zoom Taochat – Love and Compassion: Date/Time: Sat (Aug26), 11pm-12am (Sydney) Sat…
Confucius Analects – Confucius teaches all – 孔子论语 – 有教无类
15.14 Teach all 子曰、有教、無類。 The Master said, ‘In teaching there should be no distinction of classes.’ * * * Confucius teaches all, Laozi transcends all, Buddha liberates all, Jesus loves all. Can you not see where they all coming from and converging back to? 15.14 有教、無類 子曰、有教、無類。 * * * 孔子教导所有,老子超越所有,佛释放所有耶稣爱所有,难道你看不出,他们都来自于和最终融合于哪?
Confucius Analects – 3 Levels of Practice – 孔子论语 – 修行3阶段
Last week we finished our discussion on study. This week we start our discussion on practice. Practice is the application of knowledge in life. in Chinese practice is (修行), which includes study and application. Alongside with our ongoing study, let see what Confucius and his students had to say on how to practice, and how…