Tag: source
There are 3 levels of stillness: 1) In elementary stillness, phenomena come to a stand still; 2) In intermediate stillness, the thinking mind is stilled and centered amist changing phenomena; 3) In advanced stillness, one dissolves into the Source, transcends the move-still duality, and all unfold in perfect harmony. Level of truth 999
Diamond Sutra – All Buddhas and their Supreme-Enlightenment-Dharma originate from this Sutra – 金刚经 – 一切诸佛,及诸佛阿耨多罗三藐三菩提法,皆从此经出
“All Buddhas and their teachings originate from this Sutra” said the Buddha. The Sutra here, refers to not the printed Sutra, nor the spoken or written words, nor the teachings therein, but to the historical and on-going source of all the above. The Sutra here, refers to the realization that Mahakasyapa had when Buddha raised the Lotus…
Confucius Analects – Men’s nature are alike – 孔子论语 – 性相近,习相远
Are we alike? Are we different? Despite of our racial, cultural differences, we are all human. Confucius said the same. He said that we are all alike at the source, yet our habits, believes and choices make us apart. 17.1 Men’s nature are alike 子曰、性相近也、習相遠也。 The Master said, ‘By nature, men are nearly alike; by…
Dao De Jing 25 – The Big fours
There is existence prior to heaven and earth being born. Quiet and still, independent and unchanging, rotating without end, it is the mother of the world. I don’t know its name, name it as Dao, and remotely name it as Big. -> The nature of the Dao. Big and therefore everlasting, everlasting and therefore far-reaching,…
Dao De Jing 8 – Dao is like water
The highest virtue is like that of water. Water benefits everything and does not fight, it positions itself at place everyone dislike, and therefore is close to the Dao. -> As we already discussed, the Dao is everywhere, impartial, and limitless. It represents the source and context of all, and therefore allows for and benefits all…
Dao De Jing 6 – Feminine Quality of the Dao
The valley-like spirit does not die, it is the mysterious femininity. -> Dao is like a vast valley that is everlasting, Laozi called it the mysterious femininity. Why feminine? In Chinese culture, e.g. Book of Changes, Femininity is associated with giving birth, allowing, and embracing all things, with earth being the most “Yin” and feminine…
What is Dao? – 何谓道?
What is Dao? Dao is the origin, the path and the destination. (see Summary of Daodejing) Most people live their lifes for survival, many live for possessions, some live for achievements, few just be themselves, rarely still are those just are. What is your path? Where is your destination?何谓道? 道是起源,路径和终点。 (见道德经大纲) 大多数人为生存而生活, 有些人为财富, 有些人为成就, 小数人做自己,…