Tag: teacher
Taoist teachers, students
The universe responses, continuously. When we humble our “selves”, and ask for guidance, teachers and teachings appear. They could appear in different forms (a teacher, friend, family member, colleague, boss, team, customer, client, regulator, stranger, or even as general phenomena). When the student is adapt and mature, the “selves” become quiet, and the separation between…
Confucius Analects – There are teachers everywhere – 孔子论语 – 三人行、必有我師焉
7.4 There are teachers everywhere 子曰、三人行、必有我師焉、擇其善者而從之、其不善者而改之。 The Master said, ‘When I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teachers. I will select their good qualities and follow them, their bad qualities and avoid them.’ * * * Discussion: Last week there was a question about where or whom to learn from.…