Dao De Jing 79 – Hatred mediate vs. not arising

Dao De Jing 79 – Hatred mediate vs. not arising

Mediate big hatred, and there is always some residual hatred; how could it be a good?

-> When we harm or take advantage from someone, we create a debt to them.  Even though we pay back and hope to “get even” later, the fact of hurting remains.

Therefore saints holding a debt note, but do not chase after the debtor.

-> Even if someone own and hurt ourselves, we can stop the hatred by forgiving.

Those with virtue are like debt note owner, those without virtue are like debt collector.

-> When one forgives, there is no need to getting back, and therefore the wheel of hatred stops.

Heaven is not close to anyone, yet it helps the goods.

-> Kindness attracts kindness, hatred attracts hatred.  That’s how the universe works.  Universal justice is impartial.

* * *

Chapter 79 Discussion:”

“怨怨相报何时了?Is there an end if we keep going after each other’s wrongdoings?” An eye for an eye, and the whole world blind.  Laozi, like other great teachers in the world, suggest forgiveness.  Forgive, and hatred stops.  Forgive, and there is no need to getting even to each others.  In mutual understanding and forgiveness, others are spared, our self is spared, and the whole world lighter.

Bilingual version of Ch79: http://www.lisiming.net/chinese-philosophy/daoist/daoist-philosophy/dao-de-jing-core-33-chapters/ddj55-79/


3 responses to “Dao De Jing 79 – Hatred mediate vs. not arising”

  1. 妮基 Avatar

    Surely forgiveness is a great thing…. but is there perhaps something (a state of mind) that precedes ‘forgiveness’ … making ‘forgiveness’ unnecessary? If we remain unattached to expectations of how someone should behave… then is there any need for forgiveness?

    Would Lao Tzu and Confucius have answered this question differently?

    How would Li Si MIng answer this question?

    1. derek Avatar

      Precisely. In the state prior to/beyond the self, who is to forgive who? However, not everyone realize and abide in it. For those who are on the path towards it, there often is still someone who are still drawn to or subjected to such dualistic patterns (of someone owning someone else). Forgiveness then, will be an necessary tool to stop the wheel rolling, and to transcend situation and duality. This is what i think of forgiveness.

      Confucius addressed forgiveness in the level of the self, that when we forgive, we draw less resentment towards ourselves. And that when we commit mistakes, we should forgive ourselves, and correct the mistakes accordingly.

  2. […] Therefore, the Buddha explained that in real endurance, there is actually no “one” enduring any “thing/feeling”, and therefore there is no anger and hatred.   In the Daoist tradition, Laozi also recommend transcending hatred over enduring hatred (see earlier post “Daodejing79 – Hatred meditate vs. not rising“. […]

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