
Diamond Sutra – The Dissolving of Negative Karma – 金刚经 – 罪业之消灭

This chapter describes the process of letting go negative karma.  From individual karma point of view, where everything we experience now is a consequence of our past actions and habits, the experience of attacks and insults from others are the results of our past actions and habits.  If, at the moment of experiencing attacks/insults/unpleasant situation, we can center ourselves in the Truth of this Sutra, instead of resisting or fighting back to the situation, then the negative patterns will eventually run out and be dissolved.  This is why the Buddha said aligning, integrating, and sharing of the Truth of this Sutra lead to the dissolving of our negative karma.

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复次 ,须菩提!若善男子、善女人,受持读诵此经,若为人轻贱,是人先世罪业,应堕恶道,以今世人轻贱故,先世罪业则(即)为消灭,当得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。
“Furthermore, Subhuti, if a virtuous man or woman receives, holds (in mind), reads and recites this sutra and is despised by others, this person who is bound to suffer from evil destinies in retribution for his past sins, and whose karmic Sins are now eradicated by the others’ contempt, will attain Supreme Enlightenment (Anuttarasamyak-sambodhi).

“Subhuti, I remember that in the past countless aeons before the advent of Dipamkara Buddha, I met 84,000 milliards of Buddhas to whom I made offerings and whom I served faultlessly. Now if in the last period (of 500 years) in the Buddha kalpa someone is able to receive, hold (in mind), read and recite this sutra, his merits will far exceed mine which resulted from my offerings made to Buddhas, for mine cannot be reckoned as one hundredth, one thousandth, one ten thousandth or one hundred thousandth part thereof; in fact no computation or comparison is possible.

“Subhuti, in the last period of the Buddha kalpa, if a virtuous man or woman is able to receive, hold (in mind), read and recite this sutra, my full statement of this person’s merits will create derangement, doubt and disbelief in the minds of all listeners.

“Subhuti, you should know that as the meaning of this sutra is inconceivable, so is the fruit of its reward.”本章描述了消灭恶业的过程。从个人因果的立场来看,我们现在所经历的一切都是从我们过往的行为和习惯中衍生出来。也就是说,我们过去行为和习惯,带来了现在的攻击和侮辱。但是,如果我们在遇到攻击/侮辱/不愉快的时候,能把自己融会于此经的真理之中,而不是去抗拒或反击,恶业就会慢慢耗尽和消灭。所以佛陀说,受持读诵此经能消灭我们的恶业。

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复次 ,须菩提!若善男子、善女人,受持读诵此经,若为人轻贱,是人先世罪业,应堕恶道,以今世人轻贱故,先世罪业则(即)为消灭,当得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。





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