Author: Derek
一般人只看到治亂的英雄, 治病的明醫. 其實真正的高手是在亂象病象未發生之前, 已經平定了. 我們要學會欣賞高手, 和做高手. “一年四季春夏秋冬,我們身體及情緒的感覺也有春夏秋冬。 我再講個小事,跟我久了的同學就知道我有一個習慣,他們每天早上先把當天的氣象報告給我。最高多少度,最低多少度,今天是什麼濕度,知道了以後你就曉得穿衣服了。其實你要講養生之道,這些通通要注意。 從陰陽則生,逆之則死,從之則治,逆之則亂,反順為逆是謂內格。”所以你要懂陰陽四時這個法則,自己養生,調養、保養這個身體。如果違反了就會生病,內在出問題了。 是故聖人不治已病治未病,不治已亂治未亂,此之謂也。”這是中國上古的文化,醫道跟政治是一樣的,懂得政治的歷史上大名家,都懂得醫,因為都是醫學道理來的。所以“聖人不治已病治未病”,在沒有病的時候,有一點不對就先吃藥,先把它治好;等到已經生病再治已經晚了。 政治的道理也是一樣,天下大亂,你來平天下,不算有功勞;能夠使國家社會永遠不亂,這才是大政治家。看起來沒有功勞,其實功勞最大。這幾句話是中國文化的精華。” 南懷瑾 —《小言黃帝內經與生命科學》
欲,是以“我”為中心,其他人事物,只是用來滿足“我”和“我”所喜愛的色受想行識。能量水平125 愛,是以“他/她/它”為中心,為了“他/她/它”的幸福快樂,可以放下“我”。看媽媽對孩子的愛,寵物對主人的愛,從有條件到無條件的。能量水平500+ 情,欲很薄了,愛也由強烈的二元往來,轉化為整體的關注和思念。看親情,人情,覺悟有情。 有智慧,有定力,先有條件談情說愛。否則,是隨波逐流,不能持續的。
Introduction to Meditation – Online Workshop
Final call to Jun5 free Introduction to Meditation online workshop! Draft deck below for preview and question preparation. Expecting a group of around 20 people, from a diverse background and countries: teachers, doctors, planners, bus drivers, artists, civil servants, engineers, consultants, managers, from 6+ countries! All are welcome. Section primarily in English with Chinese supplement,…
Buddha’s Birthday Special Workshop: 佛誕特別講座
Tao Chat 論道 – free Zoom online session (Bilingual) by Derek – Content: – Meditation, Philosophy, Spirituality, & Daily Life – Free form Q&A Sunday May8 – 9-10am Hong Kong Time All are welcome PM Derek to register
Online Qigong Workshop
Conducted a very successful Qigong workshop at a multinational financial corporation today, quite some positive feedbacks from the group, despite of the less direct transmission through zoom.
Lunchtime qigong
Lunchtime qigong this week, as group is generally healthy, we did meditation instead. After about a year of practice, we sat and it was a meal’s time. All is well, with many healthy reports in body and mind. Actually, meditation is an advanced form of qigong, much like how martial artists sit and heal in…
Health Tips during Virus Outbreak
Health tips during Virus outbreak: Basic hygiene: 1) wear a mask in public place 2) wash hands frequently (soap better than hand sanitizers), and avoid touching face 3) avoid crowded area 4) keep good 6-8 feet distance from others 5) careful of dirty public items (handrails, door handles, toilet water tap, door, seats) 6) stay…
Ordinary people, Hinayana, Mahayana
凡夫淨放,放完休息,休完再放,命終隨業去 小乘淨收,如封似閉,入大休息,訓醒又再來 大乘慧定,能收能放,不來不去,乘願而往來 Ordinary people knows only to use, after depleted rest, after rest deplete again, when physicality ends goes with karma; Hinayana knows only to close, close up and seal, into big deep rest, when wake up continues again; Mahayana aims wisdom concentration, can use and can close, not here and not there, come…
修行 Cultivation
家人囉嗦煩惱生,靜觀承擔任運消,解使結,便前行;同事爭功氣又生,折騰半天覺醒來,無一物,誰來爭;生活,就是修行。 Close ones complaint emotion rises, contemplate own surrender dissipate, knots untied, move forward; Colleagues fight credit qi arises, half day inflated but after rest, nothing there, who to fight; Life itself, is the cultivation ground.
Health reminders
During virus time, everyone please upkeep hygiene, keep the body and mind strong, and maintain healthy lifestyle with adequate exercise, food, and rest. It will be over in a few months time.
How to be a happy person – 如何能成一個快樂的人
[:en]弟子問達摩:如何才能成為一個自己快樂,也給別人快樂的人? Student asked Bodhidarmma, how to be a happy person for oneself and others? 達摩笑著回答說:有四種境界,你去體會其中的妙趣吧! Bodhidarmma said, there are four stages, contemplate the wonder! 一、首先,把自己當成別人,此是無我。 First, treat yourself as others, this is selfless. 二、再之,把別人當成自己,此是慈悲。 Second, treat others as yourself, this is compassion. 三、而後,把別人當成別人,此是智慧。 Third, treat others as they are, this is wisdom. 四、最後,把自己當成自己,此是自在。 Finally, treat…
Infant fills oneself, gown up nurtures the world – 窮則獨善其身,達則兼善天下
Mencius said, when you are strained, take care of your self ; when you attain great height and has spare capacity, help nurture the world. 孟子云: 窮則獨善其身,達則兼善天下 孔子云: 行有餘力,則以學文
[:en]To align better to the purpose of sharing Chinese Wisdom on an online space, has migrated to effective today, and name of this page is updated according. Thanks for your continual support![:]
New Year – 新年好
[:en]新一年,大家無明地中繼續努力,貼地前行,福德智慧增長。 New year starts. May we proceed forward with persistent effort and right direction, to increasing blessings and wisdom.[:zh]新一年,大家無明地中繼續努力,貼地前行,福德智慧增長。[:]
3 levels of tranquility
小靜於林, 大靜於市,大大靜於正行(及正不行)。 External tranquility found in nature, inner tranquility cultivated in city, ultimate tranquility realised in wise action (& inaction).
Zen Reality and Practice – 不著不舍
實際理地不著一塵,萬行門中不捨一法。 – 禪宗祖師 Ultimate reality is not bounded by any manifestation, yet actual practice embraces all of them. – Zen Master實際理地不著一塵,萬行門中不捨一法。 – 禪宗祖師
Action without awareness is child, action with awareness is adult – 有尋無伺是孩兒, 有尋有伺成年人
action without awareness is child, action with awareness is adult stillness with awareness is deep sleep/meditation, stillness without awareness is samadhi Where is Dao? …shh…… Zen! 有尋無伺是孩兒, 有尋有伺成年人; 無尋有伺深睡思, 無尋無伺無想天; 道在當中那一個? …噓…… 禪!有尋無伺是孩兒, 有尋有伺成年人; 無尋有伺深睡思, 無尋無伺無想天; 道在當中那一個? …噓…… 禪!
Broad minds see goodness. – 心寬之人, 常記人善
Broad minds see goodness, narrow minds see badness. If don’t acknowledge goodness, one would not feel gratitude, if frequently remember badness, one would not feel serenity. 心寬之人, 常記人善; 心窄之人, 常記人惡; 記不住人善的人, 難有感恩之心; 常記人惡的人, 難有祥和之時.心寬之人, 常記人善; 心窄之人, 常記人惡; 記不住人善的人, 難有感恩之心; 常記人惡的人, 難有祥和之時.
Jade stays raw without polish – 玉不琢,不成器
玉不琢,不成器。 人不學,不知義。苦難磨練人,智慧提升人。 Jade stays raw without polish, man remains ignorant without learning. Sufferings refine us, wisdom uplifts us.
Buddhist heart, Taoist bones, Confucius persona – 佛為心、道為骨、儒為表
佛為心、道為骨、儒為表,大度看世界;技在手、能在身、思在腦,從容過生活。 – 南懷瑾老師 (1918-2012) Buddhist heart, Taoist bones, Confucius persona, compassionately perceive the world; Skills on hands, abilities in body, thinking via the brain, serenely live life. – Master Nan-Huai-Chin (1918-2012)