Tag: Blessings
福來自於布施行壽長用來行使命康出自於正生活寧靜來自知正命 Taoists approach wellness through 4 areas:福:Blessings through right actions壽:Longevity through right purpose康:Health through right life style寧:Peace through right understanding of life #Taoist #Wellness #Blessings #Longevity #Health #Peace #Mindfulness
New Year of the Dragon
Happy Chinese New Year of the Dragon! May your year be filled with strength, vibrancy, and prosperity! #CNY2024#blessings
Diamond Sutra – Blessings and Wisdom Beyond Compare – 金刚经 – 福智无比
How much will you contribute to support yourself? How much more would you contribute to support your family? How much more will you contribute for your community, country and the world? If we contribute 10 dollars, we can buy someone a meal; if we contribute 10 million dollars, we can perhaps build a…
Diamond Sutra – Is there merit? Is there no merit? – 金刚经 – 福德有实,福德无?
In chapter 8 of this Sutra, the Buddha said blessings of sharing this Sutra far surpass that of any worldly offerings. Is it really so? Can we acquire this great merit or huge blessings for sharing the wisdom of this Sutra? The Buddha continues in this chapter: if the real merit can be described, it…
Diamond Sutra – the mystical presence of this Sutra – 金刚经 – 佛罗汉天人护法与此经同在
When one align to the truth of this Sutra, either through reading, reciting, or sharing, celestial beings will offer their protection and blessings, and one is at one with all Buddhas and their disciples. How can it be so? It is because all Buddhas and teachings arise from the truth of this Sutra, therefore when…
Diamond Sutra – All Buddhas and their Supreme-Enlightenment-Dharma originate from this Sutra – 金刚经 – 一切诸佛,及诸佛阿耨多罗三藐三菩提法,皆从此经出
“All Buddhas and their teachings originate from this Sutra” said the Buddha. The Sutra here, refers to not the printed Sutra, nor the spoken or written words, nor the teachings therein, but to the historical and on-going source of all the above. The Sutra here, refers to the realization that Mahakasyapa had when Buddha raised the Lotus…