Tag: form
Emptiness 空
Emptiness, is beyond form, includes form, and at one with form. – level of truth 970 Taochat 2024 – Happiness in Life 大乘空, 離相,含相,不二。- 真理水平980 論道2024 – 幸福人生
Diamond Sutra – Buddha beyond form and appearance – 金刚经 – 不可以身相得见如来
Can the Buddha be seen? Can enlightened beings been recognized by certain appearance or form? Although there are certain descriptions of how Buddha or Bodhisattva may look, ultimately the reality and awareness of the Buddha, like the nature of the Tao depicted in Daodejing, are beyond form and descriptions. Therefore, real Buddha is beyond form…
Dao De Jing 43 – Soft conquer strong, benefits of non-form and non-doing
The softest of the world, conquer the world’s strongest. -> What is softest? Not water, not jelly, not cotton. Non-form is. Non-form penetrates into every space, therefore is the benefit of non-doing. -> Form, confined to a specific description, definition, space, and category, is limited. When life identifies beyond form, one is therefore unlimited. -> When someone…
Dao De Jing 4 – Qualities of the Dao
The Dao is like a vessel; we use it and it has no limit. It is deep, like the source of everything. -> Contrary to the limitation found in forms, which are bound the notions of birth and death (coming into and ceasing to be as describable existence), the Dao is beyond form and therefore has no…
Dao De Jing 1 – Dao is beyond words and names, form and non form
“The Dao that can be spoken is not the enduring and unchanging Dao. The name that can be named is not the enduring and unchanging name.” -> As Dao is beyond forms, words and names are only symbols and pointers of the Dao. “Nothingness, is the origin of heaven and earth; Beingness, is the mother of all…