Tag: karma
何謂道法自然? 人法地,人受制如地球法則(四季寒暑,地球物理)地法天,地球受制於宇宙法則(自轉公轉,物理精神)天法道,宇宙受制於形而上的道理(道)道法自然,道又受制於什麼?自然 不是大自然的自然,是自心之所然,形上形下總體法則之所然。 萬法出於自心。心善世界善,心惡世界惡,心攝世界攝。心善時,意善思想善行動善,故世界善;心惡時,意惡思想惡行動惡,故世界惡。 何謂善?對生命有正面影響和提升的為善,反者為惡。 世間迷者,不知善惡,或缺乏定力,隨波逐流。沉迷各種不善之感官刺激和追求。生命能量耗盡時,後悔莫及。 所以,道法自然中,其實並無外在神明主宰和決定命運,一切唯心做,前因爲何,現況就何。萬物都根據自身和族群之發展而繼續奮鬥而已,為自然。
Diamond Sutra – The Dissolving of Negative Karma – 金刚经 – 罪业之消灭
This chapter describes the process of letting go negative karma. From individual karma point of view, where everything we experience now is a consequence of our past actions and habits, the experience of attacks and insults from others are the results of our past actions and habits. If, at the moment of experiencing attacks/insults/unpleasant situation,…
Diamond Sutra – Solid foundation leads to real faith – 金刚经 – 一念生净信
If you heard of teachings of this Sutra and there is a sudden realization and resonance in you which brings you faith in the truth described. Congratulations! Your good effort has led to right karma and wisdom which leads you to come in touch with this impenetrable wisdom. Learn thoroughly what this Sutra has to…
Confucius Analects – Virtue attracts alike – 孔子论语 – 德不孤,必有邻
There is a Chinese saying: giving is more blessed than receiving (施比受更有福). Is it true? Confucius reported so. 4.6 Virtue attracts alike 子曰、德不孤、必有鄰。 The Master said, ‘Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practises it will have neighbors.’ * * * I would like to share a personal story of charity here. One…
Confucius Analects – Handling Mistakes – 孔子论语 – 如何面对和改正错误
15.11 Learn from mistakes 子曰、過而不改、是謂過矣。 The Master said, ‘To have faults and not to reform them,– this, indeed, should be pronounced having faults.’ 19.4 Superior man commits mistakes, he learns and changes through them 子貢曰、君子之過也、如日月之食焉、過也、人皆見之、更也、 人皆仰之。 Zigongsaid, ‘The faults of the superior man are like the eclipses of the sun and moon. He has his…