Tag: reality
Transcending the ego-mind
Life constructed by the ego-mind, is known, linear, logical, therefore is rigid, and limited. Life transcending the ego-mind, is nonlinear, lead by vision, integrated with wisdom, thus is flexible, and unlimited. #life#ego#logical#rigid#limited #life#vision#wisdom#flexible#unlimited
What is Reality?
Reality, is the ultimate source of all, that is beyond (yet allows and includes) all forms, descriptions, polarizations, and dualities. It is of unlimited power, kindness, and wisdom that out of it all possibilities and manifestations arise. It is everlasting, ongoing, and is just is. – level of truth 960 To supplment, the even higher…
Transcending the ego-mind
Life constructed by the ego-mind, is known, linear, logical, therefore is rigid, and limited. Life transcending the ego-mind, is nonlinear, lead by vision, integrated with wisdom, thus is flexible, and unlimited.
Zen Reality and Practice – 不著不舍
實際理地不著一塵,萬行門中不捨一法。 – 禪宗祖師 Ultimate reality is not bounded by any manifestation, yet actual practice embraces all of them. – Zen Master實際理地不著一塵,萬行門中不捨一法。 – 禪宗祖師
Dao De Jing 35 – Dao and the world in perfect harmony
Abide in the Dao, the whole world follows. (The whole world) follows it without conflict, in perfect harmony. -> Abide in the source, one sees the whole world manifesting. Conflicts are self-based descriptions, when the self is transcended, there is no conflict. Music and fine food stop people. Dao when being spoken, is however tasteless.…
Dao De Jing 32 – Dao and the world: unnamed vs. the named
Dao does not have a name. It can not be owned or controlled. When one abides in it, all things will follow. -> When the self does not arise, problem does not arise, and the world flows in perfect harmony. Dew falls under the combined effect of heaven and earth, people cannot control it and it…
Dao De Jing 27 – Interdependency of Sage vs. Layman
Those who master travelling leave no trace, -> When one has been to, and is everywhere, one cannot be traced or described by a particular trace. Those who master talking speaks no fault; -> They communicate perfectly and completely and therefore left no fault. Those who master counting need no tool; -> All is known…
Dao De Jing 6 – Feminine Quality of the Dao
The valley-like spirit does not die, it is the mysterious femininity. -> Dao is like a vast valley that is everlasting, Laozi called it the mysterious femininity. Why feminine? In Chinese culture, e.g. Book of Changes, Femininity is associated with giving birth, allowing, and embracing all things, with earth being the most “Yin” and feminine…
Dao De Jing 5 – Impartiality and endless capacity of the Dao
Heaven and earth do not fixate on benevolent; they deal with all things as if they are grass dogs. The sages do not fixate on benevolent; they deal with people as if they are grass dogs. -> Sun and moon rises and falls impartially, they do not shine over certain country or people just because…