Tag: tao

  • 太極,陰陽,八卦


    道生一,一生二,二生三,三生萬物 本體中,源頭生起總相(->1),對立劃出人我自他(1->2),個體用精氣神(3)感知和衍生世間萬物(3->8->64) 修道者,從萬物之沉迷執著中回歸自身精氣神(64->3),精氣神基礎建好後開始探索二元對立之習性與特質(3->2),超越後續超越更細微之相無相(2–>1),空不空對立,最後回歸本體(1->) 到達本體後,123864不再是a-b-c的線性前進關係,而是一個holographic的整體,為見道 見道後,實踐和圓融於日常生活中,至穩定,為 修道。 全方位圓融無礙時,為成道 成道後生命完全擺脫無明之干擾和障礙,在源頭中無邊無量的綻放,為行道 為道家太極八卦生命觀 Dao gives rise to 1, 1 gives rise to 2, 2 gives rise to 3, 3 gives rise to everything. – Daodejing From the source, arises totality(♾️->1), then non-duality is seperated into duality through the arising of the individuals (1->2), individuals experience life through the physicality-energy-consciousness…

  • 道法自然


    何謂道法自然? 人法地,人受制如地球法則(四季寒暑,地球物理)地法天,地球受制於宇宙法則(自轉公轉,物理精神)天法道,宇宙受制於形而上的道理(道)道法自然,道又受制於什麼?自然 不是大自然的自然,是自心之所然,形上形下總體法則之所然。 萬法出於自心。心善世界善,心惡世界惡,心攝世界攝。心善時,意善思想善行動善,故世界善;心惡時,意惡思想惡行動惡,故世界惡。 何謂善?對生命有正面影響和提升的為善,反者為惡。 世間迷者,不知善惡,或缺乏定力,隨波逐流。沉迷各種不善之感官刺激和追求。生命能量耗盡時,後悔莫及。 所以,道法自然中,其實並無外在神明主宰和決定命運,一切唯心做,前因爲何,現況就何。萬物都根據自身和族群之發展而繼續奮鬥而已,為自然。

  • Taoist teachers, students

    Taoist teachers, students

    The universe responses, continuously. When we humble our “selves”, and ask for guidance, teachers and teachings appear. They could appear in different forms (a teacher, friend, family member, colleague, boss, team, customer, client, regulator, stranger, or even as general phenomena). When the student is adapt and mature, the “selves” become quiet, and the separation between…

  • Transcending the ego-mind

    Transcending the ego-mind

    Life constructed by the ego-mind, is known, linear, logical, therefore is rigid, and limited. Life transcending the ego-mind, is nonlinear, lead by vision, integrated with wisdom, thus is flexible, and unlimited. #life#ego#logical#rigid#limited #life#vision#wisdom#flexible#unlimited

  • Negotiation, Customer Service, Healing

    Negotiation, Customer Service, Healing

    Masters settle conflicts before they arise – Inner Canon of Yellow Emperor Applicable in Negotiation, Customer Service, and Health. Amateurs struggle from conflicts to conflicts, Smart ones settles early when conflicts start to arise, Masters maintain oneself and relationship in optimal states.

  • Dao De Jing 41 –  Different man hear the Dao, descriptions of the Dao

    Dao De Jing 41 – Different man hear the Dao, descriptions of the Dao

    Upper men hear the Dao, act on it diligently; -> what happen upon Dao realization? One becomes a vehicle of it and serve diligently. (see last post how Dao runs in those humble) Middle men hear the Dao, half believe in it; -> one needs more observation, evidence, experiment, experience, or realization. Lower men hear…

  • Dao De Jing 40 – Dao moves in reverse direction

    Dao De Jing 40 – Dao moves in reverse direction

    The Dao moves in reverse direction; and runs through those humble. -> Ordinary people invest their energy in their “self”, which claim credits from reality about what is happening.  The process reverses when we surrender attachment to our selves, and align our live to the universal Dao.  When this process starts, Dao starts to move…

  • Dao De Jing 35 – Dao and the world in perfect harmony

    Abide in the Dao, the whole world follows. (The whole world) follows it without conflict, in perfect harmony. -> Abide in the source, one sees the whole world manifesting.  Conflicts are self-based descriptions, when the self is transcended, there is no conflict. Music and fine food stop people. Dao when being spoken, is however tasteless.…

  • Dao De Jing 34 – The smallness and bigness of the Dao

    The great Dao is everywhere, it can be here and there. -> Beyond boundary and separation, omnipresence. All things rely on It to manifest, but It does not interfere and does not claim credit. -> Everyone has its own course, in accordance to its tendencies and choices. –> If “our source” would interfere “us”, there…

  • Dao De Jing 23 – Welcoming wind and rain

    If one would make few speech and stay natural, wind will not blown for whole morning, and rain will not last for whole day. What is like this? The sky and earth. If even the sky and earth could not last (stay in a state) forever, what would be the case for man? -> Even…

  • Dao De Jing 4 – Qualities of the Dao

    The Dao is like a vessel; we use it and it has no limit. It is deep, like the source of everything. -> Contrary to the limitation found in forms, which are bound the notions of birth and death (coming into and ceasing to be as describable existence), the Dao is beyond form and therefore has no…

  • Dao De Jing 2 – Dualistic nature of worldly standards, vs. non-dual lifestyle of sages

    Everyone know what is beauty, because of the concept of not-beauty; Everyone know what is virtue, because of the concept of not-virtue; -> quality behind the adjective “beauty” exists not independently, but co-dependently with a judgement/comparison to what considered “not beauty”. i.e. when one let go of labeling something as beautiful or ugly, there is be…

  • Dao De Jing 1 – Dao is beyond words and names, form and non form

    Dao De Jing 1 – Dao is beyond words and names, form and non form

    “The Dao that can be spoken is not the enduring and unchanging Dao. The name that can be named is not the enduring and unchanging name.” -> As Dao is beyond forms, words and names are only symbols and pointers of the Dao. “Nothingness, is the origin of heaven and earth; Beingness, is the mother of all…

  • Weekly Daodejing starting Dec20!

    If you are interested in the wisdom of Laozi’s Daodejing, but you don’t have the privilege to come study here, here is the good news: Starting dec20,2011, I will be sharing my teachings of this sacred text, one chapter a week, with detail explanations and my interpretations of it.  I hope you will find them beneficial to your…

  • Zhang San Feng – The Internal Alchemist – 张三丰 – 内丹大师

    Zhang San Feng – The Internal Alchemist – 张三丰 – 内丹大师

    Besides being a master martial artist, Zhang San Feng is also a master in Daoist Internal Alchemy.  In his treaty “Speaking of the Dao in plain words”, Zhang San Feng provides a brief yet clear overview of the pathway of Dao cultivation via meditation and Internal Alchemy. He discusses the general outline of different stages…

  • What is Dao? – 何谓道?

    What is Dao? Dao is the origin, the path and the destination. (see Summary of Daodejing) Most people live their lifes for survival, many live for possessions, some live for achievements, few just be themselves, rarely still are those just are. What is your path? Where is your destination?何谓道? 道是起源,路径和终点。 (见道德经大纲) 大多数人为生存而生活, 有些人为财富, 有些人为成就, 小数人做自己,…