Category: Applications
Taochat 2024 – Transcending Emotions
How do emotions arise? How to manage and transcend them? 4 steps to emotional stability Mindfulness training Live Q&A Come join us on first session of Taochat 2024 – Transcending Emotions Online Zoom meeting Date: Apr14th (Sun) Time: 8-9pm Hong Kong time Bilingual English & Chinese Free of charge PM Derek to RSVP 情緒如何生起? 如何管理並超越情緒?…
Negotiation, Customer Service, Healing
Masters settle conflicts before they arise – Inner Canon of Yellow Emperor Applicable in Negotiation, Customer Service, and Health. Amateurs struggle from conflicts to conflicts, Smart ones settles early when conflicts start to arise, Masters maintain oneself and relationship in optimal states.
Integrity (誠信)
Translates as (誠信), has two components in Chinese interpretation: 1. (誠) refers to sincerity, which refers to 1) honesty, 2) sincerity, and 3) pure in intention: 1) Honesty (誠實) refers to truthfulness and consistency in body, speech, and mind. i.e. speech aligns with mind, action aligns with speech. When one maintains truthfulness and consistency across mind, speech, and…
4 Benefits cultivating the Moment:
More Energy – through lessened mental energy wastage More Experience – through sustained relaxed focused awareness More Wisdom – through pre-mental access to the universal database More Truth – through direct alignment with Life, despite of mental distortions
行者 practitioner
修行,是行者的人生。是一種真人的生活狀態。它不是知識,不是時間所能衡量。因為行者的生命是永恆的。沒有起點,也沒有終點。所以,他沒有時間的緊迫性。人生,不過是一眨眼的功夫而已!!!– 華嚴上師 Cultivation, permeates the entire life of a practitioner. It is the state of life of a real person. It is not knowledge, nor is something that can be measured in time. Life of a practitioner is eternal, without beginning and end. Therefore, there is no rush. Entire life, is merely a blink of…
Transcending time 超越時間
時間是什麼? 是主觀感受, 還是客觀現實? 其物理, 心理, 神經成份為何? 金剛經如何說? 如何超越時間, 體驗當下? 當下的奇妙 10月29(日)9-10pm 來討論, 交流, 感受 論道2023 What is Time? Is it objective or subjective? What is its physical, psychological, and neural origin? What does the Diamond Sutra says about past, present and future? How to transcend time and return to the Moment? Power of the Moment…
孟婆茶後 莫名奇妙的來 人云亦云的活着 莫名奇妙的去 人生為何? 飽暖淫慾,相濡以沫? 叱吒風雲,財權傾城? 改變社會,世界大同? 現實是,成功者鳳毛麟角 更可況,意義這事,像浮雲 這刻重要的價值和追求,另一時空會變得不再重要 大江東去,浪淘盡,千古風流人物 人生,就是這般虛幻和無常? 有些人還原基本步,飽暖淫慾(淫者取廣義,指過量欲望),其他唔理。 另些滿足了生存基本後,追求情感滿足和社會地位,更極致者追求人文藝術和生命覺受。 但都是短暫和無常的,頂多百載。不如意時,能否咬緊牙根?失落迷惘時,能否勇敢前行?到盡頭事,能否無憾? 開始反省時,便是覺醒時 覺而進一步探索,便是修行 分四階段 覺而持續摸索生命,為信 摸索驗證後確定,為解 確定後實踐到生活中的點點滴滴,為行 圓融時,為證 全方位的修 身體,情緒,思想,意念,物質物理,精神心理,形上形下,人文藝術,社會科學 一直深化,一直圓滿 至個人圓滿,人際關系圓滿,事業世界圓滿 基本功 健康飲食,起居作息,調身 養氣調神,呼吸平順,調息 靜觀修止,伏斷妄想,調心 去惡揚善,積集福慧,立根基 再進一步,離能所,參念頭,直照心源,破重重心執,達無何有鄉 止觀中,在對立世間得大自在 離四句,絕百非,達無作意本來境 無計算圓滿 無作意利生 同眾生圓滿 如信受奉行,不枉此生了
你懂身邊人嗎? 利益關係和情感關係外,他是個什麼樣的人? 有什麼的故事和追求? 你懂這世界嗎? 家庭教育,學校認知,和媒體描述外,這世界是如何運作的?跟我是什麼關係? 你懂自己嗎? 不同的社會角色,和面具背後,我到底是什麼?在無邊的生命洪流裡,和多元世界中,我要成為一個什麼樣的人? 自己都未認識清楚時,就認為自己了解其他人,及對其他人作出隨意的批判和評價,是自以為是的無知和莽撞,除增長我慢和製造混亂外,一無是處。 更好的態度,是保持謙虛和尊重的心態,去聆聽,欣賞,和接納。這樣做,會帶來知見的增長,心量的擴大,和生活的和諧美滿。 老子云:知不知,上(知道自己不知道,為上);不知知,病(唔知道自己不知道,扮知道,是病)。
lunchtime meditation 問答
問: 屋企人耐不耐嘈交,如果睇法/立場/我相/執著都是短暫虛幻,是否可以一概不理? 答: 前半啱,後半要再深究。雖然睇法/立場/我相/執著是虛幻,但沉醉其中嘅人嘅感受卻是很真實的(對於他們,和感受著他們的你)。怎樣面對,要睇你採取什麼立場,和應世智慧如何。 問: 嘗試同佢地講道理,無人聽,反而更反感。 答: 小乘人,可以處理好自己煩惱偏見,柄埋深山裡頭,做到逍遙自在。但在城市中,面對周邊人既煩惱偏見,就要用大乘的工具先至有辦法處理。 問: 大乘什麼工具? 答: 首先是六道波羅蜜: 布施:放開對寧靜和安靜的執著 持戒:拒絕受瞋恚的狀態影響 忍辱:不抑壓,坦然面對和接受眾生的顛倒執著 精進:正念,正思惟,正行 (正不行) 禪定:定力,穩定,專一,覺知 般若:無我智,不二智 有六波羅蜜基礎後, 讓內在生命逐步開展至十波羅蜜: 方便:利他目標上,靈活還用身口意去幫助 願:肯定自己人生目標,和在屋企人關係上的定位 力:意志,毅力,耐力去實踐自己的目標和定位 智:世間智慧 (介不介入,誰介入,幾時介入,如何介入) 六度基礎有了後,後四波羅蜜是大乘人內在生命所自然開展出來,不是用大腦想出來的。 其後同學們有大量的世間智分享和討論,非常精彩。不屬吹水綺語,屬觀心處世工程。
The perfect state
There is none diligent, hardworking, and honest people who blame life. The perfect state, is not you never make mistake, but is when you never give up growth. Nobody could make you better, not even time and experience which are merely ingredients; what actually sustain your growth, is your strong will, cultivation, virtues, and your…
What happens during meditation?
Breath returns from forceful to natural. Mind sharpens to a point of focus. Energy retained from scattered wastefulness. Healing of body happens through its natural wisdom. Processing of mental content happens per ones level of consciousness. Body-mind returns to its highest balance for the moment.
Mindful Rejuvenation
Energy follows mind, when we follow the random emotions and thoughts, our life energy is disipated, and thus is the feeling of exhaustion afterwards. When bring back our attention to the moment prior to thought and emotions arising, stories die down and energy is retained. Such is the rejuvenating mechanism of mindfulness.
Knowledge and Meditation
To understand knowledge, we need to understand our mind, to understand our mind, we need mindfulness training. Meditation and Knowledge Diocesan Boys’ School, Grade 11
中秋 Mid Autumn 2024
中秋快樂 月圓,人圓 彼岸,在此岸 Happy Mid-Autumn FestivalMoon round, people aroundThe other shore, is right here
觀身不淨,對治身體的執著(色) 觀受是苦,對治感受的執著(受) 觀心無常,對治妄想的執著(想) 觀法無我,對治我相的執著(行,識) 四念處,破五蘊執著,證般若,悟自在 悟後好起修
這世界到底有沒有鬼神? 傳統中華文化是肯定的,雖然不會建議你胡亂來。 實質上,心物一元,心誠則靈。一般人沒有定力和覺力,所以覺知不到而已。 外國有沒有? 當然也有,不過習俗信仰不同,所以出現時間和形式不同。 同人生有什麼關係? 太上感應篇云:禍福無門,惟人自召;善惡之報,如影隨形。 召善神抑或惡神,善鬼抑或惡鬼,就要看我們的身口意行為了。 其實,每一刻都是七月,每一刻都是新年。
Introduction to Meditation – Online Workshop
Final call to Jun5 free Introduction to Meditation online workshop! Draft deck below for preview and question preparation. Expecting a group of around 20 people, from a diverse background and countries: teachers, doctors, planners, bus drivers, artists, civil servants, engineers, consultants, managers, from 6+ countries! All are welcome. Section primarily in English with Chinese supplement,…
Buddha’s Birthday Special Workshop: 佛誕特別講座
Tao Chat 論道 – free Zoom online session (Bilingual) by Derek – Content: – Meditation, Philosophy, Spirituality, & Daily Life – Free form Q&A Sunday May8 – 9-10am Hong Kong Time All are welcome PM Derek to register
Online Qigong Workshop
Conducted a very successful Qigong workshop at a multinational financial corporation today, quite some positive feedbacks from the group, despite of the less direct transmission through zoom.