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修道功夫,不外乎兩個字:深,廣 立正根基,捨顛倒執著,探索本源,窮其自性,為深 實踐於生活,貫通知見行為,擴大超越於人我內外,達至無邊無量,無始無終,為廣 深而不廣,為獨覺:小自在 深而又廣,為菩薩:大自在
Life body mind relationship
Know thyself. To know one’s body, is amatuer,To know one’s mind, is skillful,To know Life underneath body-mind, is master. Taochat Jun 2024 – Life body mind relationship
Taoist Sleeping Meditation
Work well, play well, sleep well Taoist Sleeping Meditation WorkshopWellness Month 2024Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
Taochat 2024 – Transcending Emotions
How do emotions arise? How to manage and transcend them? 4 steps to emotional stability Mindfulness training Live Q&A Come join us on first session of Taochat 2024 – Transcending Emotions Online Zoom meeting Date: Apr14th (Sun) Time: 8-9pm Hong Kong time Bilingual English & Chinese Free of charge PM Derek to RSVP 情緒如何生起? 如何管理並超越情緒?…
Lunchtime qigong
Lunchtime qigong this week, as group is generally healthy, we did meditation instead. After about a year of practice, we sat and it was a meal’s time. All is well, with many healthy reports in body and mind. Actually, meditation is an advanced form of qigong, much like how martial artists sit and heal in…
Health Tips during Virus Outbreak
Health tips during Virus outbreak: Basic hygiene: 1) wear a mask in public place 2) wash hands frequently (soap better than hand sanitizers), and avoid touching face 3) avoid crowded area 4) keep good 6-8 feet distance from others 5) careful of dirty public items (handrails, door handles, toilet water tap, door, seats) 6) stay…
Ordinary people, Hinayana, Mahayana
凡夫淨放,放完休息,休完再放,命終隨業去 小乘淨收,如封似閉,入大休息,訓醒又再來 大乘慧定,能收能放,不來不去,乘願而往來 Ordinary people knows only to use, after depleted rest, after rest deplete again, when physicality ends goes with karma; Hinayana knows only to close, close up and seal, into big deep rest, when wake up continues again; Mahayana aims wisdom concentration, can use and can close, not here and not there, come…
修行 Cultivation
家人囉嗦煩惱生,靜觀承擔任運消,解使結,便前行;同事爭功氣又生,折騰半天覺醒來,無一物,誰來爭;生活,就是修行。 Close ones complaint emotion rises, contemplate own surrender dissipate, knots untied, move forward; Colleagues fight credit qi arises, half day inflated but after rest, nothing there, who to fight; Life itself, is the cultivation ground.
Health reminders
During virus time, everyone please upkeep hygiene, keep the body and mind strong, and maintain healthy lifestyle with adequate exercise, food, and rest. It will be over in a few months time.
Confucius Analects – Food and Sleep – 孔子论语 – 吃饭睡觉
10.2 Confucius eating habits 食饐而餲、魚餒而肉敗、 不食、色惡不食、臭惡不食、失飪不食、不時不食。不多食。 He did not eat rice which had been injured by heat or damp and turned sour, nor fish or flesh which was gone. He did not eat what was discoloured, or what was of a bad flavour, nor anything which was ill-cooked, or was not in season. He did…
Mid Autumn Festival – 中秋节
Mid Autumn Festival, or Full Moon Festival, is an important time in the Chinese calender. Like Thanksgiving Holiday in the US, Chinese would go home, get together with family, eat moon cake, and enjoy the full moon. It’s time for some family warmth! Happy Mid-autumn Festival! 中秋节快乐! 中秋节快乐!