Tag: balance
What happens during meditation?
Breath returns from forceful to natural. Mind sharpens to a point of focus. Energy retained from scattered wastefulness. Healing of body happens through its natural wisdom. Processing of mental content happens per ones level of consciousness. Body-mind returns to its highest balance for the moment.
Why practice Qigong?
Qi, or Chi, is the vital life energy everyone possesses. It connects the mind and the body. When abundant and balanced, leads to health and clarity of mind, when depleted and imbalanced, pain and illness. Thus Qigong is a good supplement to mindfulness practice, which focuses primarily more on the mind. photo source: wikihow
Confucius Analects – balance learning of 6 virtues – 孔子论语 – 平衡的学习
17.3 Importance in learning the 6 virtues (benevolence, wisdom, sincerity, straightforwardness, courage, firmness) 好仁不好學、其蔽也愚、好智不好學、其蔽也蕩、好信不好學、其蔽也賊、好直不好學、其蔽也絞、好勇不好學、其蔽也亂、好 剛不好學、其蔽也狂。 ‘There is the love of being benevolent without the love of learning;– the beclouding here leads to a foolish simplicity. There is the love of knowing without the love of learning;– the beclouding here leads to dissipation of mind. There…
Confucius Analects – Balance Work and Study – 孔子论语 – 平衡工作与学习
19.3 Serving vs. learning 子夏曰、仕而優則學、學而優則仕。 Zixia said, ‘The officer, having discharged all his duties, should devote his leisure to learning. The student, having completed his learning, should apply himself to be an officer.’ * * * Zixia, a prominent student of Confucius, talked about the importance of balancing work and study. When we are in…