Author: Derek

  • Life body mind relationship

    Life body mind relationship

    Know thyself. To know one’s body, is amatuer,To know one’s mind, is skillful,To know Life underneath body-mind, is master. Taochat Jun 2024 – Life body mind relationship

  • 捨識用根


    能看之性能為眼根 能聽之性能為耳根 能嘗味能表達之性能為舌根 能聞能呼吸之性能為鼻根 能感受和運用物質身體之性能為身根 能感知和運用思想之性能為意根 六根不是身體之器官(眼耳鼻舌身腦),而是生命之性能。 當六根接觸六塵(色聲香味觸法)時,覺者透過根匯入實相;而凡夫則馬上啟動識性,送到大腦做註冊歸類分析推理更生儲存。 識性是線性的(linear), 而根性則是全方位(360°non-linear). 識性只有過去記憶,未來推理,缺乏對當下之覺知(塵境一來馬上轉入識性輪轉),並束縛於慣常之思路與意識形態;而根性則能專注當下,全方位的感受生命,並能活潑的運用六根去投入生活,活出生活,並邁向未知。 人困惑痛苦之根源為無明,而無明之根本就是以為自己是識性。識性越發達,無明通常越強大,越難感受識性之下之內之根性和生命,以至大部分時間都在顛倒妄想,無明流轉。 故修行人第一個大關卡為識性,要學習捨識用根,穩定生命於六根,而不是識性。 能量水平965

  • Life Body Mind Relationship 生命身心關係

    Life Body Mind Relationship 生命身心關係

    What is the relationship between Life, Body, and Mind?How does Life enter body, and how does the mind process it?What’s the difference between Memory-driven life vs. Wisdom-driven life? Join us for a revealing discussion in coming online community Taochat: Date: Jun9 (Sun)Time: 8-9pm (Hong Kong Time) All are welcomeFree of chargeBilingual English and ChinesePM Derek…

  • Taoist Sleeping Meditation

    Taoist Sleeping Meditation

    Work well, play well, sleep well Taoist Sleeping Meditation WorkshopWellness Month 2024Hong Kong Disneyland Resort

  • Not-doing vs. Non-doing

    Not-doing vs. Non-doing

    “Not-doing” leads to passiveness, detachment, egocentric giving up of, and flatness in life; whereas “Non-doing” allows active, free, vibrant participation, and manifestation of life, beyond the egoic self. Such is the essence of Chinese non-duality, as described in Taoist and Buddhism classics.

  • 鬆緊


    鬆,內心境界出現,覺力捕捉,定力專注,慧力轉化 緊,境界回歸一點,境界伏沉,能量儲備,擇日重賽 只鬆不緊,隨波逐流,生命能量散失 只緊不鬆,死守境界,生命無從綻放 鬆緊有度,逐出逐化,持續向上,至化無可化,無邊綻放 能量水平 966 Loose, what is appears, catch it with awareness, embrace it with focus, transform it with wisdom Tight, go back to one point, phenomena sink, energy accumulate, resume work later Knowing only loose but not tight, one flows with life aimlessly, life energy dissipates Knowing only tight but not…

  • 法身大士


    法身,為法界本體身,它周遍含容,無邊無量,離形融相,為萬物(包括人)之源頭,和其持續變化之動力與可能。 明心見性者,找到了這本體法身,體悟到這無常身心世界之背後,是這不生不滅,不一不二之永恆法身。故短暫身心衍生出來的對立顛倒與煩惱,不再顯得那麼緊迫和苦惱。肉體的無常變化,生滅往來,就像浩瀚花園裡的微細鳥蟲般渺小和虛幻。由小的個人身心悟到大的無量法身,故名法身大士。 覺悟法身大士後,還有後續功夫。先要做到自身之穩定(十住),再實行到生活點滴中(十行),繼之擴大心量至所有時空(十迴向)。到達個人層面的圓滿後,下一步是在出離心中協助其他眾生達到同樣的圓滿(十地)。直至到達無眾生可度之等覺妙覺位(離我人眾生壽者相),為成佛,涅槃,無上正等正覺。 真理水平999

  • Timing 時機

    Timing 時機

    When the ego is transcended, mental notion of time disappears. What left then, is the unseen propensities and intentions come into manifestations, when conditions are right. In such state, timing is always perfect, universally fair, and just. Level of truth 950 我相超越後, 心理的時間概念就會消失. 剩下來的, 是我相習性隨因緣和合的顯現和消散, 與無盡生命之開展和顯現. 在這狀態中, 時機會捕捉的剛剛好, 世界是永恆的公平, 與平等. 真理水平950

  • Taochat 2024 – Transcending Emotions

    Taochat 2024 – Transcending Emotions

    How do emotions arise? How to manage and transcend them? 4 steps to emotional stability Mindfulness training Live Q&A Come join us on first session of Taochat 2024 – Transcending Emotions Online Zoom meeting Date: Apr14th (Sun) Time: 8-9pm Hong Kong time Bilingual English & Chinese Free of charge PM Derek to RSVP 情緒如何生起? 如何管理並超越情緒?…

  • Human intelligence vs. artificial intelligence

    Human intelligence vs. artificial intelligence

    What is Intelligence? What is fundamental difference between human intelligence and artificial intelligence (AI)? When AI becomes more developed, what value could human still brings to the world, and to our own lives? A forum is upcoming this year, that brings together technological and traditional cultural leaders, to start discussing the above. If you are…

  • Taoist teachers, students

    Taoist teachers, students

    The universe responses, continuously. When we humble our “selves”, and ask for guidance, teachers and teachings appear. They could appear in different forms (a teacher, friend, family member, colleague, boss, team, customer, client, regulator, stranger, or even as general phenomena). When the student is adapt and mature, the “selves” become quiet, and the separation between…

  • New Year insight

    New Year insight

    Besides exchanging blessings and red pockets, some Chinese would ask fortune at temples during Chinese New Year, to get direction and insight for the year. Insight are divided into three groups, (上) refers to positive messages, (中) refers to neutral messages, and (下) refers to cautionary messages. May your insights be the most positive ones…

  • New Year of the Dragon

    New Year of the Dragon

    Happy Chinese New Year of the Dragon! May your year be filled with strength, vibrancy, and prosperity! #CNY2024#blessings

  • Transcending the ego-mind

    Transcending the ego-mind

    Life constructed by the ego-mind, is known, linear, logical, therefore is rigid, and limited. Life transcending the ego-mind, is nonlinear, lead by vision, integrated with wisdom, thus is flexible, and unlimited. #life#ego#logical#rigid#limited #life#vision#wisdom#flexible#unlimited

  • Negotiation, Customer Service, Healing

    Negotiation, Customer Service, Healing

    Masters settle conflicts before they arise – Inner Canon of Yellow Emperor Applicable in Negotiation, Customer Service, and Health. Amateurs struggle from conflicts to conflicts, Smart ones settles early when conflicts start to arise, Masters maintain oneself and relationship in optimal states.

  • Integrity (誠信)

    Integrity (誠信)

    Translates as (誠信), has two components in Chinese interpretation: 1.    (誠) refers to sincerity, which refers to 1) honesty, 2) sincerity, and 3) pure in intention: 1)   Honesty (誠實) refers to truthfulness and consistency in body, speech, and mind. i.e. speech aligns with mind, action aligns with speech. When one maintains truthfulness and consistency across mind, speech, and…

  • Life is a garden 生命大花園

    Life is a garden 生命大花園

    Life is like a garden,where flower of all colors blossoms.Allowing all to grow in light or darkness,boundlessly unfold from our true origin. 生命是個大花園 紅藍黃綠萬花全 向陰向陽任你長 無邊綻放自心源 你, 要成為什麼樣的花呢?

  • Taochat Dec 2023 – Essence of Zen

    Taochat Dec 2023 – Essence of Zen

    What is Zen?Origin of Zen, Magic of ZenDifference between concentration, sitting meditation, and ZenCultivating Zen – blockages and sidetracks3 levels of SurrenderSurrender MeditationQ&A Join us in Dec10 online community zoom Taochat, last one in 2023 – Essence of Zen Date/Time:Sun (Dec10), 11pm-12am (Sydney/Melbourne)Sun (Dec10), 9-10pm (Tokyo/Seoul)Sun (Dec10), 8-9pm (Beijing/Hong Kong/Taipei)Sun (Dec10), 1-2pm (Stockholm)Sun (Dec10), 12-1pm…

  • 阿彌陀經淺釋


    阿是無量經是法, 彌是福德陀智慧 一切諸佛所護念, 譯者智慧方便題 西方成就東方始, 十萬億正法圓行 福慧具足阿彌陀, 時空之中本自在 極樂全明故無苦, 心一境性捨識根 自証眷屬器世界, 四念四勤四神攝 心地清淨金沙佈, 菩提正道池水滿 三七分中起樓閣, 四花相映器世界 心地清淨自証覺, 天籟聲會花雨景 智慧主導身口意, 動靜一如自性海 器世自証成就後, 繼續饒益眷屬世 四正四勤四攝上, 三七道品眾成長 前行要先立資糧, 福德善根先具足 正法需一心不亂, 持號七日生極樂 清淨行能遍十方, 東方始行南正行 西方成就北作用, 下方攝受上景仰 一切諸佛所護念, 真理遍行圓十方 聞經受持聞諸佛, 不退轉於無上行 立人立己佛功德, 五濁惡世行難行 娑婆成道希有事, 殊勝說法難不難

  • 4 Benefits cultivating the Moment:

    4 Benefits cultivating the Moment:

    More Energy – through lessened mental energy wastage More Experience – through sustained relaxed focused awareness More Wisdom – through pre-mental access to the universal database More Truth – through direct alignment with Life, despite of mental distortions