
  • Wellness, Mindfulness, Happiness

    Wellness, Mindfulness, Happiness

    Look at these happy faces! Delivered a workshop on Wellness, Mindfulness, and Happiness today, with fifty-five teachers from the Buddhist Chi King Primary School. We exchanged best practices on Wellness, Mindfulness, Happiness, played fun games, practiced mindfulness exercises, and explored whole spectrum of happiness, from individual physical-mental health, to relational, worldly and spiritual wellness. Feedbacks…

  • 佛菩薩


    何謂佛菩薩? 佛為本體,菩薩為作用 光明正覺中,匯本體;智慧中,起綜合作用 階梯上,無體亂用,為凡夫;有體無用,為羅漢;有體有用,為菩薩;體用圓融,為佛 圓融中,體中起用,用中顯體,體即是用,用即是體,離體用,無體用,融體用,為體用 是為佛菩薩

  • Bodhisattva 菩薩

    Bodhisattva 菩薩

    The preciousness of Bodhisattva, lies on its ability to manifest non-personal existence and uplifting virtue, in the transient and illusory world, to be and grow with all, towards liberations and full enlightenment. Photo: Earth Store Bodhisattva, Sugamo, Tokyo, Japan