Tag: energy

  • 太極,陰陽,八卦


    道生一,一生二,二生三,三生萬物 本體中,源頭生起總相(->1),對立劃出人我自他(1->2),個體用精氣神(3)感知和衍生世間萬物(3->8->64) 修道者,從萬物之沉迷執著中回歸自身精氣神(64->3),精氣神基礎建好後開始探索二元對立之習性與特質(3->2),超越後續超越更細微之相無相(2–>1),空不空對立,最後回歸本體(1->) 到達本體後,123864不再是a-b-c的線性前進關係,而是一個holographic的整體,為見道 見道後,實踐和圓融於日常生活中,至穩定,為 修道。 全方位圓融無礙時,為成道 成道後生命完全擺脫無明之干擾和障礙,在源頭中無邊無量的綻放,為行道 為道家太極八卦生命觀 Dao gives rise to 1, 1 gives rise to 2, 2 gives rise to 3, 3 gives rise to everything. – Daodejing From the source, arises totality(♾️->1), then non-duality is seperated into duality through the arising of the individuals (1->2), individuals experience life through the physicality-energy-consciousness…

  • 觀心 4 levels of Observation

    觀心 4 levels of Observation

    觀形不如觀色,人會整形觀色不如觀氣,人會化妝觀氣不如觀神,氣幻無常觀神不如觀心,神出于心 孔子云,觀人要多方面觀,持續的觀。所謂:路遙知馬力,日久見人心。 這裡的心,為思想心之內之自心,最高者為離我執分別之不二真心。 4 levels of Observation 1. Observing appearance, is less effective than observing color, as form can be changed by surgery;2. Observing color, is less effective than observing energy, as color could be masked by make up;3. Observing energy, is less effective than observing mind, as energy changes with situations;4. Observing mind, is…

  • 鬆緊


    鬆,內心境界出現,覺力捕捉,定力專注,慧力轉化 緊,境界回歸一點,境界伏沉,能量儲備,擇日重賽 只鬆不緊,隨波逐流,生命能量散失 只緊不鬆,死守境界,生命無從綻放 鬆緊有度,逐出逐化,持續向上,至化無可化,無邊綻放 能量水平 966 Loose, what is appears, catch it with awareness, embrace it with focus, transform it with wisdom Tight, go back to one point, phenomena sink, energy accumulate, resume work later Knowing only loose but not tight, one flows with life aimlessly, life energy dissipates Knowing only tight but not…

  • Taochat 2024 – Transcending Emotions

    Taochat 2024 – Transcending Emotions

    How do emotions arise? How to manage and transcend them? 4 steps to emotional stability Mindfulness training Live Q&A Come join us on first session of Taochat 2024 – Transcending Emotions Online Zoom meeting Date: Apr14th (Sun) Time: 8-9pm Hong Kong time Bilingual English & Chinese Free of charge PM Derek to RSVP 情緒如何生起? 如何管理並超越情緒?…

  • 4 Benefits cultivating the Moment:

    4 Benefits cultivating the Moment:

    More Energy – through lessened mental energy wastage More Experience – through sustained relaxed focused awareness More Wisdom – through pre-mental access to the universal database More Truth – through direct alignment with Life, despite of mental distortions

  • What happens during meditation?

    What happens during meditation?

    Breath returns from forceful to natural. Mind sharpens to a point of focus. Energy retained from scattered wastefulness. Healing of body happens through its natural wisdom. Processing of mental content happens per ones level of consciousness. Body-mind returns to its highest balance for the moment.

  • Mindful Rejuvenation

    Mindful Rejuvenation

    Energy follows mind, when we follow the random emotions and thoughts, our life energy is disipated, and thus is the feeling of exhaustion afterwards. When bring back our attention to the moment prior to thought and emotions arising, stories die down and energy is retained. Such is the rejuvenating mechanism of mindfulness.