Tag: wisdom
Light 光明
In Buddhist vocabulary, the word light 燈 refers to our innate wisdom. When we surrender our erroneous identification, and illusive attachment to the ego through nondualitic wisdom, inner light shines forth, lighting up the multifaceted world with its intrinsic compassion and inclusion within the universal systems. Therefore is the term, enlightenment. #light#inner#nondualistic#wisdom#compassion#diversity#inclusion#enlightenmemt photo: Eiheiji, Japan
Life body mind relationship
Know thyself. To know one’s body, is amatuer,To know one’s mind, is skillful,To know Life underneath body-mind, is master. Taochat Jun 2024 – Life body mind relationship
Life Body Mind Relationship 生命身心關係
What is the relationship between Life, Body, and Mind?How does Life enter body, and how does the mind process it?What’s the difference between Memory-driven life vs. Wisdom-driven life? Join us for a revealing discussion in coming online community Taochat: Date: Jun9 (Sun)Time: 8-9pm (Hong Kong Time) All are welcomeFree of chargeBilingual English and ChinesePM Derek…
鬆,內心境界出現,覺力捕捉,定力專注,慧力轉化 緊,境界回歸一點,境界伏沉,能量儲備,擇日重賽 只鬆不緊,隨波逐流,生命能量散失 只緊不鬆,死守境界,生命無從綻放 鬆緊有度,逐出逐化,持續向上,至化無可化,無邊綻放 能量水平 966 Loose, what is appears, catch it with awareness, embrace it with focus, transform it with wisdom Tight, go back to one point, phenomena sink, energy accumulate, resume work later Knowing only loose but not tight, one flows with life aimlessly, life energy dissipates Knowing only tight but not…
Transcending the ego-mind
Life constructed by the ego-mind, is known, linear, logical, therefore is rigid, and limited. Life transcending the ego-mind, is nonlinear, lead by vision, integrated with wisdom, thus is flexible, and unlimited. #life#ego#logical#rigid#limited #life#vision#wisdom#flexible#unlimited
Negotiation, Customer Service, Healing
Masters settle conflicts before they arise – Inner Canon of Yellow Emperor Applicable in Negotiation, Customer Service, and Health. Amateurs struggle from conflicts to conflicts, Smart ones settles early when conflicts start to arise, Masters maintain oneself and relationship in optimal states.
4 Benefits cultivating the Moment:
More Energy – through lessened mental energy wastage More Experience – through sustained relaxed focused awareness More Wisdom – through pre-mental access to the universal database More Truth – through direct alignment with Life, despite of mental distortions
3 levels of tranquility
小靜於林, 大靜於市,大大靜於正行(及正不行)。 External tranquility found in nature, inner tranquility cultivated in city, ultimate tranquility realised in wise action (& inaction).
Jade stays raw without polish – 玉不琢,不成器
玉不琢,不成器。 人不學,不知義。苦難磨練人,智慧提升人。 Jade stays raw without polish, man remains ignorant without learning. Sufferings refine us, wisdom uplifts us.
Diamond Sutra – Blessings and Wisdom Beyond Compare – 金刚经 – 福智无比
How much will you contribute to support yourself? How much more would you contribute to support your family? How much more will you contribute for your community, country and the world? If we contribute 10 dollars, we can buy someone a meal; if we contribute 10 million dollars, we can perhaps build a…
Diamond Sutra – Solid foundation leads to real faith – 金刚经 – 一念生净信
If you heard of teachings of this Sutra and there is a sudden realization and resonance in you which brings you faith in the truth described. Congratulations! Your good effort has led to right karma and wisdom which leads you to come in touch with this impenetrable wisdom. Learn thoroughly what this Sutra has to…
Diamond Sutra – Meaning of Title – 金刚经 – 经名的意义
Diamond is the most precious material on earth. Besides of its scarcity, diamond is also the hardest material on earth. Therefore it is adopted as the name of this Buddhist text. The full name of this text is: “金刚般若波罗密经”. “金刚” means hard/impenetrable; “般若” means wisdom; “波罗密” means conducts leading to liberation; “经” means sutra/text. Together…
Confucius Analects – Wisdom and Awareness – 孔子论语 – 智慧,觉力
14.4 The wise stays in the present, is aware and alert 子曰、不逆詐、不億不信、抑亦先覺者、是賢乎。 The Master said, ‘He who does not anticipate attempts to deceive him, nor think beforehand of his not being believed, and yet apprehends these things readily (when they occur);– is wise.’ * * * Some people think that to be honest and to…
Dao De Jing 33 – Transcending oneself as the pathway towards wisdom and longevity
Those who understand others is wise, those who understand oneself is enlightened. -> Externally we seek to understand others (e.g. our family, company, country); internally how many seek to understand our own “self”? We might understand our personality, including strengths and weaknesses, but more fundamentally, what is this personality? Where does it come from and how does…
Dao De Jing 27 – Interdependency of Sage vs. Layman
Those who master travelling leave no trace, -> When one has been to, and is everywhere, one cannot be traced or described by a particular trace. Those who master talking speaks no fault; -> They communicate perfectly and completely and therefore left no fault. Those who master counting need no tool; -> All is known…
Dao De Jing 16 – Going back to emptiness and stillness
Reach the end of emptiness, abide in the end of stillness. Things manifest, i see coming and going. -> Emptiness here refers to reality beyond form. Stillness here refers to reality beyond mind. When one realizes this reality, one sees things coming and going, fully aware, but not affected by them. Despite of diversity, things all…