Category: Online Class
Diamond Sutra – the mystical presence of this Sutra – 金刚经 – 佛罗汉天人护法与此经同在
When one align to the truth of this Sutra, either through reading, reciting, or sharing, celestial beings will offer their protection and blessings, and one is at one with all Buddhas and their disciples. How can it be so? It is because all Buddhas and teachings arise from the truth of this Sutra, therefore when…
Diamond Sutra – Buddha’s teacher, Buddha land – 金刚经 – 佛陀的老师,佛土是什么
Further to the early teachings of – There is no Buddha who attained enlightenment, and there is no enlightenment to be attained, this chapter explains that the Buddha did not obtain any teachings from his teachers, and Bodhisattva does not adore any describable Buddha land. For a teaching that can be obtained is not the…
Diamond Sutra – The 4 levels of Arhat – 金刚经 – 四果罗汉
Arhats are enlightened beings who attained individual liberation in Buddhism. They are 4 levels of Arhats: 1. Srota-apanna (须陀洹) – partial enlightenment, still need 7 returns to earthly life before full liberation 2. Sakrdagamin (斯陀含) – partial enlightenment, still need 1 return to earthly life before full liberation 3. Anagamin (阿那含) – partial enlightenment, no need to return…
Diamond Sutra – All Buddhas and their Supreme-Enlightenment-Dharma originate from this Sutra – 金刚经 – 一切诸佛,及诸佛阿耨多罗三藐三菩提法,皆从此经出
“All Buddhas and their teachings originate from this Sutra” said the Buddha. The Sutra here, refers to not the printed Sutra, nor the spoken or written words, nor the teachings therein, but to the historical and on-going source of all the above. The Sutra here, refers to the realization that Mahakasyapa had when Buddha raised the Lotus…
Diamond Sutra – There is no Buddha who attained enlightenment – 金刚经 – 佛没得道,因大道不能得故
There is no Buddha who obtained enlightenment. Why? Because real enlightenment cannot be obtained by anyone, as such implied the dualistic paradigm of “someone” obtaining something called “enlightenment”. While in ordinary perception there appear to be a historical Buddha who obtained a state called enlightenment, in reality, or at least in Buddha self-described reality, this…
Diamond Sutra – 2 Stages of Surrender – 金刚经 – 两个阶段的放下
There are 2 levels of surrender: First level pertains to the transcendence of the “self”, second level require one to transcend the notion of there is a fixed “teaching”, to be followed towards the ultimate reality. The second level of transcendence, requires a solid work in the first level before it can mean anything. Otherwise,…
Diamond Sutra – Solid foundation leads to real faith – 金刚经 – 一念生净信
If you heard of teachings of this Sutra and there is a sudden realization and resonance in you which brings you faith in the truth described. Congratulations! Your good effort has led to right karma and wisdom which leads you to come in touch with this impenetrable wisdom. Learn thoroughly what this Sutra has to…
Diamond Sutra – Buddha beyond form and no-form – 金刚经 – 凡所有相,皆是虚妄。若见诸相非相,则见如来。
Last week, we learnt that Buddha awareness is beyond all form and appearance. How then, can one perceive the Buddha, or its awareness? The Buddha described: the perception of all form (including no-form) is unreal, when we see through all form (including no-form) as transitory and unreal, then we see the real Buddha. This is…
Diamond Sutra – Buddha beyond form and appearance – 金刚经 – 不可以身相得见如来
Can the Buddha be seen? Can enlightened beings been recognized by certain appearance or form? Although there are certain descriptions of how Buddha or Bodhisattva may look, ultimately the reality and awareness of the Buddha, like the nature of the Tao depicted in Daodejing, are beyond form and descriptions. Therefore, real Buddha is beyond form…
Diamond Sutra – how does Bodhisattva do charity? – 金刚经 – 菩萨如何布施?
Last week we learn that Bodhisattva does not cling to the notion of self, others, beings, and immortality. This week we learn that Bodhisattva not only transcends the above 4, but also continue to serve through charity. In Buddhism continuous service and virtue are essential to complete the process of cultivation and enlightenment, even for…
Diamond Sutra – self, others, beings, immortals – 金刚经 – 我相,人相,众生相,寿者相
In this Chapter, Buddha described the essential nature of Bodhisattva (enlightened beings that serves in this world): transcendence of the notion of: self, others, beings, and immortals. self: a separate sense of individual self others: what appears outside of one’s self beings: the collective living beings immortals: any part of life, form or no-form, that…
Diamond Sutra – The direct transmission of Mind – 金刚经 – 如是住,如是降伏其心
In the Zen/Chan Buddhist tradition, there is an emphasis on cultivating and transmitting of Mind beyond forms. In the actual happening of such incidences, the knowledge/experience/realization of the teacher is transmitted directly to the student without the aid of words. Such was the attempt of the Buddha when asked by his prominent disciple Subhuti in…
Diamond Sutra – The Buddha eats – 金刚经 – 佛陀吃饭
How do you approach food? Do you love it, or do you hate it? Some people like food so much that they develop strong attachment in eating, while others dislike food so much that they develop an aversion to eating. The Buddha himself suggested the middle way: After going through both extremes, as a prince…
Diamond Sutra – Meaning of Title – 金刚经 – 经名的意义
Diamond is the most precious material on earth. Besides of its scarcity, diamond is also the hardest material on earth. Therefore it is adopted as the name of this Buddhist text. The full name of this text is: “金刚般若波罗密经”. “金刚” means hard/impenetrable; “般若” means wisdom; “波罗密” means conducts leading to liberation; “经” means sutra/text. Together…
Buddhist Diamond Sutra – starting next week – 佛家金刚经 – 下周开始
We finished our discussion on Confucius Analects last week. So far we have gone through the core teachings from Laozi’s Daodejing, and Confucius Analect. Starting next week, we will start our discussion on one of the core text in Buddhism – Diamond Sutra. Here is an overview of the text: If reality is beyond the…
Confucius Analects – Men’s nature are alike – 孔子论语 – 性相近,习相远
Are we alike? Are we different? Despite of our racial, cultural differences, we are all human. Confucius said the same. He said that we are all alike at the source, yet our habits, believes and choices make us apart. 17.1 Men’s nature are alike 子曰、性相近也、習相遠也。 The Master said, ‘By nature, men are nearly alike; by…
Confucius Analects – Virtue attracts alike – 孔子论语 – 德不孤,必有邻
There is a Chinese saying: giving is more blessed than receiving (施比受更有福). Is it true? Confucius reported so. 4.6 Virtue attracts alike 子曰、德不孤、必有鄰。 The Master said, ‘Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practises it will have neighbors.’ * * * I would like to share a personal story of charity here. One…
Confucius Analects – Surviving the Changing World – 孔子论语 – 隐士的文化
We live in a turbulent world. External events come and go, internal reactions rise and fall. While we could have a fairly stable way to, or expectation on how to live our lives, often time the reality falls short of our expectations. How did Confucius survived this changing world? * * * 8.4 Selecting place…
Confucius Analects – Confucius teaches all – 孔子论语 – 有教无类
15.14 Teach all 子曰、有教、無類。 The Master said, ‘In teaching there should be no distinction of classes.’ * * * Confucius teaches all, Laozi transcends all, Buddha liberates all, Jesus loves all. Can you not see where they all coming from and converging back to? 15.14 有教、無類 子曰、有教、無類。 * * * 孔子教导所有,老子超越所有,佛释放所有耶稣爱所有,难道你看不出,他们都来自于和最终融合于哪?
Confucius Analects – Rush and you won’t arrive – 孔子论语 – 欲速则不达,见小利则大事不成
13.2 Do things thoroughly, avoid the temptation of seeking quick and minute advantages 子夏為莒父宰、問政。子曰、無欲速、無見小利。欲速則不達、 見小利則大事不成。 Zixia, being governor of Chu-fu, asked about government. The Master said, ‘Do not be desirous to have things done quickly; do not look at small advantages. Desire to have things done quickly prevents their being done thoroughly. Looking at small…